
In all honesty people should leave Colt/49er games as early as they can.

So... You left a game that you (or someone else) already paid for you to attend, because you are offended someone else’s views (nevermind that you completely ignore the actual substance of what they express because it is inconvenient to your narrative). Ok bro, lol.

I thought it was an Ipecyrrhic victory.

Seriously. They have a chance to come up with a clever insult and they go with Rocket Man? Are you fucking joking? They can’t even do name calling correctly.

Looking like a damn unopened Pokémon ball.

He’s so proud and red-faced. He probably thinks he’s getting 3 credits in an adult education class at The Electoral College.

Well thank goodness we chose a reality TV actor to get us through these uncertain times.

He doth protest to much, methinks. OBJ’s worst enemy isn’t TMZ, it isn’t the refs, and it certainly isn’t Josh Norman. It’s OBJ.

No wonder it took so long.

You know what I would do in the last match of my long career? Play as long as I could!

One, the rules are primarily in place to prevent terrorists from using assumed identities. Two, since his 18-year-old son did not check-in, he was a “no-show” and essentially relinquished his “paid-for” seat. Three, this was apparently a sold-out flight, and some adult had paid for and expecting to use that seat.

This guy has yet to make it through 12 steps, let alone an entire staircase. 

Maybe the cheerleaders did something completely disgusting and amoral, like going to a restaurant with a married man.

Also, as numerous “family values a.k.a anti-LBGT” Republicans can tell you, you can, in fact, cheat on your wife with a man.

The really great thing is, you don’t have to be alone with a woman to take away her access to health care.

I felt a great disturbance in the sport, as if millions of baseball writers suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly choked on their indignation.

What a moron!

Can we skip the formalities and just call this The Shaw-snack Redemption already?

Example no 1,556,234,931 (just in the past three months) of the fact that it’s the right wing idiots talking about the left being “snowflakes” and needing “safe spaces” and yet whenever anyone dares dissent, they lose their fucking shit.