
Sometimes, the fruit is low-hanging because it’s ripe and delicious.

Wait, is “Photoshopped” now just a term for any special effect that makes someone look different? Cause it’s more likely she was “Nuked”, maybe even “Fusioned”, or if it was a cheap studio she might have been “After Effect-ed”.

Smells like a publicity stunt to me.

I think prenups are romantic! I think it’s romantic to sign a prenup that essentially says “even if one day we hate eachother, I want you to have what is fair when that happens.”

I am a family law attorney, and I don’t have a prenup for the same reason. But a good prenup is a thing of beauty. It’s not glamorous or romantic, but a good prenup can save you so much time, money, and heartache in the long run.

I think the real tragedy here is that we will be subjected to another 72 episodes of ‘Big Bang Theory’.

are we still pretending that we didnt all already know that he would not stay dead

“How DARE you make me feel uncomfortable, black people!”

Or to go with a current (if tired) theme on this site...

Looking forward to Tina Fey saying “Hillary, you did it, c*nt!” next year!

I love that “Daddy Lessons” can’t be county according to some of the all-knowing Nashville critics but “We Are Never Getting Back Together,” which has not a twing, nor a twang was on the Country charts for months.

A warning. If you notallmen me I’ll dismiss you so don’t even bother.

National Domestic Violence Hotline 1 800 799 7233

you get off that limb right now. it’s dangerous and wrong and I won’t let you do it.

I always forget how good that is...and then I watch it again...

god this video. the part with trump kills me every time. you can barely see his scowling face but his hair is always blindingly awful

I had the same thought today. With the possible exception of Palin, there is no other woman who would stand by him at this point.

I don’t think it’s bad that they’re getting the money either, necessarily. The whole thing just seems like a huge mess that it will take a long time to resolve, and it personally made me think I should get my affairs in order. I have a thousand dollars in checking that I’d like my roommates to get in exchange for

It’s because they can no longer shit on gay people publicly without risking a gigantic reprisal.