
Jesus Christ, junior high school half-marathon truthers are the WORST.

marathon truthers

If a woman performs a work of art directed specifically at her rapist, and her rapist claims that this is gender discrimination against men.....then isn’t he saying that it is men who are rapists? I mean, doesn’t it kinda have to follow?

As if that was worth the universal disbelief, scorn and lack of support any woman who reports her rape experiences.

Are we back to the tired MRA meme that women lie about rape for that sweet, sweet rape money? Putting aside all the evidence that Emma was indeed raped, how in any way did Emma benefit from all the publicity that her attempts to process what Paul did to her forced upon her?

~~ Who is Keyser Soze?

He really can’t get over the fact that he raped someone, and all the punishment he had to face was people thinking he’s a piece of shit.

I’m too angry right now to unspool his insane, troll logic. Ugh.

I can’t figure out how he thinks he’s benefiting from this. Which leaves me with the equally horrifying alternative here, that he actually believes he’s doing the right thing.

What if...okay what if...guys guys what if...what if food ate people?

While I personally would like to put this case behind me, I also think this complaint raises some fundamental questions that our society deserves answers to.”

I think “independents” are either idiots or more sanctimonious than the rest of us.

It’s like all these people had brain abortions, and they seem fine with that.

It’s amazing that Republicans have not turned America into a third world country. They are so damaging at all levels of government. I read a few days ago that some people think they are independents politically. My god, how can any American with two neurons be an independent these days?

“If we take care of morality,” David Brumbaugh, a Republican Representative in Oklahoma’s House , said during deliberations, “God will take care of the economy.”

It’s also kind of a hilarious bit of criticism from armchair critics. Actors don’t have to constantly be putting on different faces to be good at entertaining. Some writers are versatile, while others stick to one genre. Some musicians mix things up from album to album, others give different variations on a theme.

The criticism I always here of her is that she’s making the same movie over and over. As if Adam Sandler, Will Ferrell and every other male comedian ever didn’t do that exact same thing.

I’m a grad student at Davis, and I have been here since the pepper spray incident in 2011. It’s worth noting that the 2011 protests were part of Occupy but also a direct response to proposed tuition increases. After the pepper spray incident, and the increased protests that followed, the regents not only voted to

I just love it when, after a lifetime of searching, a person finds their porpoise in life.