
Ugh, do I have a story:

Yep, as soon as I read “anti-male bias” all I could think was “girl, cite your sources.”

You realize this is a BS defense claim to victim blame/justify sex that was actually rape? My guess is you need to learn a little more about consent?

I am very glad that my parents did not let my brother name me after his imaginary horse, Lucy Bicardo.

Jesus, this fucking guy.

Hey! Guy! So I know this is hard to understand, but even if contact *is* initiated by a woman, you’re still a rapist if you don’t stop when she wants you to. Kind of like if you offer me your wallet to get a Popsicle and I end up buying a fucking Tv.

I find the stark difference in the response both interesting and telling.

YES. Abusers think they’re the ones being abused, but you can always tell which is which by which one is trying to avoid, and which is trying to force themselves into the other’s spaces.

If Jane Roe is advocating protest/boycotts of John Roe’s theater production, that isn’t a hostile environment against male students in general. Just him. And maybe protected under the schools freedom of expression policy? And why would he want to be in the same physics lab as the person he claims has a vendetta

There are toddlers at my daughter’s childcare called Graham and Gary.

Burlap would be an awesome boy’s name! So timeless and rugged.

Burlap Velour? Chiffon Jacquard? I know other parts of the English speaking world use Dimity as a name, so Dimity Georgette is the only plausible thing I can come up with. And yeah, that’s not great, and anything else is worse.

My parents reversed my first name and middle name 3 days after I was born because my father thought it sounded too gay.

My oldest daughter is T.N.T. she’s 12 and thinks it’s awesome.

Tentacruel is a perfectly lovely name for a girl.

101 Formations

I had an acquaintence whose children wanted to name the dog. Their top contenders were

Does your mom regret your name?

My children Kassyopeeah and Dee-Lite are perfectly named. Wouldn't change.

My mother tried to name me Rusty but my dad waited until she was passed out on meds and made a better choice.