
lol Imagine the conversations of Taylor Swift and Blake Lively. Oh to be a suicidal fly on the wall.

I’ve been accosted while just going for a pap smear. “We have alternatives!” To a pap smear? Because I would totally want to hear those.

Also doesn’t give you the right to harass people seeking medical care. Or write down their license plate numbers or post their photos online - which is what these sick fucks do to women.

The complaint, as the Chicago Tribune reports, accuses the city, Mayor Rahm Emanuel, police Superintendent Eddie Johnson and Transportation Commissioner Rebekah Scheinfeld of “partnering with abortion vendors to violate the rights of those who wish to reach out to women seeking abortions.”

Netflix has actually created a pretty pretty large budget around this film for activism and education (someone I know is leading their organizing efforts) so while fatigue is understandable, there are those fighting this fight—beyond the cultural contribution of simply documenting this—and this film will be shown in

We have a 15-year old daughter and a 13-year old son, and I think it’s important that we all watch this together as a family. Boys need to get the message loud and effing clear, and girls, sadly, need to think about how to protect themselves from predators disguised as peers. The knowledge that these rapists take

I read the article, went to watch the clip and it started with the baby... ALL THE NOPE GIFS. This hurts too much to watch. My heart hurts and my soul is tired. This is not how things should work. This is not how ANY OF THIS SHOULD WORK.

Apparently they were also all convicted of sexual battery and got 30 days in juvie. Not. Enough.

I’m so fucking tired.

Nextflix and rage.

Last night, when I was giving out cake, the Son in Law said that she shouldn’t be allowed to sue because she chose to continue working there. I literally took the fork out of his hand and said that he can’t have any until he pulls his head out of his ass. I’m not fooling around with these people anymore. No more aid

It’s a teenie, tiny step....

Slavery is the word you are looking for. Forcing someone to work literally at gunpoint or face loss of liberty.

I think that would be great.

I was about to comment that they should fix their rape problem before forcing women to conscript.

That would actually be a really excellent solution to the problem of college being way too expensive for our rather sad job market. Young people could get some actual experience and training and then decide job or college.

Instead of the draft, I wonder what the politicians and voting public would think about a national service program, similar to the various countries around the world? National service for two years, for everyone regardless of socio-economics, race, creed or sexual orientation. To work locally and beyond on federal

yeah, I think progress is not having a draft, personally.

I have mixed feelings about this, but they are mostly about the existence of the draft itself, not about who registers.