
Fantastic news, this show is amazing!

Thank Jeebus.

excited to see more Bruce Ben-Bacharach

Only 8 episodes? But I want 200 episodes!!

i would watch a new Lady Dynamite every week for the next 10 years if Maria is up for it.

As a new-ish father, I refer to myself in the third person when speaking to my son. It’s started affecting daily life though, when I’ll say something smart in a meeting and stop myself from saying “Daddy knows what he’s talking about.”

I had mostly given up about not swearing in front of my kids, at least in the car, but if it results in moments like this, it’s f-bombs the whole way to school....

I gotta say, all the purple underlines on internal links are super distracting. They remind of other sites that have Google ads attached to random words.

As much as I like the meatballs (which, let’s face it, is the only was Mrs Jeffries can get me to attend Ikea), I feel the princess cake never gets the recognition it deserves.

Must’ve been thinking about The Orifice instead. Easy mistake.

Grilled cheese made with gouda and apple slices is amazing.

I’m with you on that. Just give me a hot dog and ketchup and I’ll be good. Chili and cheese are excellent substitutes for ketchup though.

I live in Chicago and tell them to leave the pickle relish and sport peppers off my hot dog.....and then I ask for ketchup.

Except it doesn’t.

Why is my grandma wildly flailing around the house?

With Valerian steel bullets!

I imagine they’d go for some sort of sword-gun thing like Romeo + Juliet.

Right-wing Christians are frequently the most un-Christlike of anybody. There’s more positive healthy useful and actionable modern-day life lessons in a random episode of Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood than there is from a random book of the Bible.

I forgot all about Peach Garden. That one was great. So many good tracks on the Wii version. It’s why I think it’s better than 8.

My favorite stage is probably Coconut Mall from Mario Kart Wii, not because it is well designed or anything. The only reason I love this stage is all the memories I have playing with my little brother. We would play Mario Kart every single day after school on only one stage, Coconut Mall. I remember every single