
I’m sure her increasingly large bank account is deeply concerned.

I read an article somewhere which referenced a late 1880s newspaper writer bemoaning the recently created verb “meet”.   I wish I could find it again.

“We ruin her by turning her into a verb.”

You’re mistaken. One of the many beauties of English is that it’s so plastic. We invent vocabulary. We noun verbs and verb nouns. We have no Academie Anglais to police our vocabulary or our usage. And that’s a good thing.

Nope. She IS a verb now, joining the lexicon of “ether’d”. Frankly, I think it is healthy for us to use her as a verb, while my wife and I sometimes go back and forth on some of her methods, the real basic principle is legit, I don’t personally think of it as joy, I think of it like “retail space” or “eBay resell” -

I’d get this more if the follow up advice wasn’t “buy whole canned tomatoes instead.” It’s not particularly cheaper or healthier. I don’t see why it matters at all. 

I like tomatoes that stay chunky when cooked.  Guess I’m also weird.

One word, Chili.

No. You do not need to clean your uterus. Or your vagina. Both are self-cleaning.

I know what you were saying, but when you were saying that, esp without details, like my thinking was “if I stopped consuming a dude’s art because they were a bad boyfriend to someone, I wouldn’t be watching much.”

Yeah, I’ve always found that so weird. There are always nerdy Black girls that they seem not to see.

Honestly, a lot of nerdy black kids who bcome grown ass black men buy into that “I don’t like black girls because I’m such a nice guy and they all want assholes” mentality, and really it’s just an excuse because almost every man who has referred to himself as a “nice guy” is actually a raging, bleeding asshole. I know

How about don’t.

I have several friends who have struggled with this question over the last five years. My thing is this: no parents were curating their kids’ Star Wars experience back when the originals came out, other than deciding whether or not to take them to the theatre or rent them the movie. None of us grew up being told to

Yep! We had considered chickens until a fox started hanging around (suburban Denver, big yard)

You’ll have a happy cat.

You might also want to find out if you are permitted to keep chickens. In many urban/suburban environments chickens (pets or not) are not allowed.

I live in a farming community, have talked to farmers, researched this topic, and have found that most people are very misinformed about organic, GMO, and no antibiotics labels on food. Naturally people see those labels and assume the food is better for them. That everyone not farming organically is using horrible

For those of us who live on very tight, small budgets, literally surviving paycheck to paycheck, $50 a week goes a long way. I would love to buy organic foods for my family, but I also like having electricity, running water, gas in my car and a few pennies left in the bank.

$50 more a week is a lot. Especially, for something that has no discernable benefit (that we know of, there are yet to be any studies that track people for 10-30 years on an all organic food diet). You can still eat very healthily without buying organic foods.