

“Stop buying canned, chopped tomatoes.” “I don’t like this product, so you should stop using it.”
No. Also, no.
They’re extremely convenient and I make great spaghetti sauce with them. I DO WHAT I WANT!

A friend of mine started keeping “backyard chickens” in our suburban neighborhood ‘because the kids just love them!’. A fox got over their 6ft privacy fence and slaughtered all the chickens in one night. They were sitting ducks and he tore them to shreds. One or two were mutilated but still alive and dragging

And your kids can learn about the circle of life when foxes/raccoons/and hawks slaughter the chickens and obliterate them all over your yard. Or a pissed off rooster takes out after them for getting near his ladies. Or the neighbors’ lab takes to catching them and tearing them to bits on top of your dad’s car. Or the

There are no growth hormones or steroids approved for use in poultry in the U.S. It’s illegal and has been since the 1950s. All poultry is hormone free.

Revolting. Adopt from shelter or rescue! So many healthy, beautiful, and friendly dogs are euthanized daily for lack of homes, and Lifehacker posts this?

And it shouldn’t.

Magnesium is transdermal in some circumstances. If you suffer from a magnesium deficiency, as many people do, epsom salts baths can help. Muscle cramps and weakness is a symptom of mag deficiency. The jury is still somewhat out on if it helps DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness).

Calories can be off, correct, due to a number of reasons. You’re referencing TDE (total daily expenditure) as RMR (resting/basal metabolic rate here). Your basal metabolic rate is the amount of energy needed to keep you alive at your basic metabolic function: breathing, organ function, brain function, digestion. Total

Move more, become larger (more mass -> more fuel required to run). Start tracking your calories in an application like My Fitness Pal and log literally every single thing you put in your mouth. That way, you can successfully see how much your are consuming and how to adjust your intake for activity levels and levels

I’m really hoping air squats are not ‘strenuous exercise’ for you.

“Many of us” being 99.999999% of human society since before recorded time...

“When our two-year-olds repeatedly and willfully ran into the street, we determined that an immediate and memorable consequence was a swat on the back of the leg. Unfortunately, toddlers simply don’t have the cognitive abilities to turn a “heart-felt discussion” or other consequence into changed behavior. And a swat

Agreed. “Look at what these self-report measures say!”
*gets up and leaves the room*

This has to be the funniest thing I’ve read in a while! As an IBS sufferer......all the more funny and useful!

But how will I feel superiour to people when I can’t brag about the food I can afford?

Agreed 100%! A large meal any earlier than 4pm is nauseating.

Turkey just isn’t very tasty, even done well. The “best” tasting turkeys are the ones where you cover the taste with smoking the shit out of them. I was a vegetarian for 16 years but went back to eating meat about 6 years ago or so. I thought “hey, I don’t even remember what turkey is like, and I’m having turkey on

Thanks. Fun fact: it’s now late 2017 and he’s still unemployed and I’m still supporting us. It’s rough. We’ll get through it though.

This is the smartphone equivalent of those plastic knock-off Louis Vuitton handbags.