
I think it was obvious from the sweetheart plea deal he got the first time around.

Well, he was selling teens to rich people. I am just saying the blackmail became a secondary revenue stream when pimping underaged girls wasn’t paying all of the bills.

It is a pretty logical next step. The alleged hook ups with underaged girls often were at locations Epstein owned and, really, blackmail seems like just one more step passed pimp.

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Damn right. (If you’re ever in Portland, OR. Powell’s Books is worth the stop. It is a massive, multi floor building full of treasures!)

I only clicked on this article because “Birds of Prey” and “Essential” had been wrongly combined into a single sentence.  I see I was not alone in my dismay.

I was wondering why there were some real stinkers on this list. The first half of Birds of Prey is great, and then the second half is really bad. It feels like that’s where the studio steps in and tells creators that they need to paint by numbers. Female filmmakers need more opportunity, but I hope they get those

Female directors need more chances to direct genre films if this is the best we got... 

This entire list is proof we need more female filmmakes. So we can actually get more than like three good films on an “essential” list. I mean Twilight is on here... ya the first was by far its best film as it was actually a film and not just a collection of scenes haphazardly stitched together but my god if that is

Agreed and allow me to chime in with more thoughts:

Whereas I thought it was the best complete movie from the DC Universe. I enjoyed virtually every moment of it. 

this whole list is pretty cringeworthy, but at least i learned real genius and big were directed by women!

I thought Birds of Prey was fantastic. 

This whole list gave me that feeling. At least half of these films are outright mediocre.

As much as I despise the movie for what it did to Cassandra Cain, it's still a significantly better movie than Twilight. 

Yes it was. And there are a number of bad movies on this list. Calling it “essential” is embarrassing.

Yeah it’s bollox. But so is Twilight.

Absolutely agreed, it wasn’t as bad as Suicide Squad, to do that you would have to actively be trying to make a bad film, but it was horribly mediocre.

eh, while not great, it’s middle of the pack for post-Nolan DC.

If this is your list of best, then yeah, agree with the original comment... a few of these movies were absolute stinkers, and a decent part of the others were meh.