
I mean, in the sense that an ever-growing portion of the electorate is uniting behind the idea of getting this self-tanner-stain on the Oval Office upholstery the hell out of the White House, he’s not wrong.

Also, LOL at the cognitive dissonance his true believers are going to be shouldering when they have to point at F

Most Troma movies are unwatchable. I had a bit part in the latest Nukem High and still haven’t gotten through it. There is something about Toxic Avenger though. The comedy and gore compliment each other. The hammy performances fit right in. Everything came together for Lloyd in one perfect movie. It will be interesting

Tell me baby, can you dig your man?

I was going to say name doesn’t check out. But then I recognized the name and decided she was probably right to shoot. 

The caveat that all recycling tips are highly dependent on how your local processor handles its recyclables makes me tempted to not take any advice that isn’t given specifically by my local processor. It just seems impossible for a writer from some major metro area hundreds or thousands of miles away to give me advice

Yeah, I’ll just drop them off when I’m on my way to your work.

Sorry, just bought a can crusher a few months ago and the amount of garbage bags it saves is tremendous. Also, scrolling through the articles here from the last month or so and so many start with “You should be”, “You’re doing ____ wrong”, and this one, “Don’t ____”..

What’s up with the annoying absolute statements

My recycling fills up twice as fast as my garbage, yet my garbage is picked up once a week and recycling only once every two weeks. This means that if I don’t crush my cans, I will just put them where there is space, my garbage. Change the size of city required bin, change the frequency that they pick it up, let me

Don’t do this, don’t do that. Rules for how to be a good human.  Seriously, my own personal view here is that nothing will ever change the bulk of what people do - you need to work with how people are. We should work on having sorting robots and machines that can get the job done whether a can is crushed or not. And

Works for Trump.

Shocking decision by Ferrari to seemingly order Leclerc to back off Vettel and then not have him pit to put on the softs to score an extra point. He had a cushion for a free pit stop, once again Ferrari strategy seems to be lacking.

As usual, Formula 1.5 is a lot better than Formula 1. The mid-pack battles are far more interesting than seeing Mercedes run away with another easy podium finish.

The thing that bothers me the most (aside from, you know, the crimes) is that these people have terrible opsec. Writing emails in which you discuss illegal behavior??

I’d say Technique > Size/Strength. I’m sure Hearns is plenty strong, but if you know how to measure distance and throw a punch (and that guy sure seemed like he did), you’re going to do damage if the person doesn’t know how to defend themselves (e.g. not hang out in punching range). 

+1 I Don't Know Karate But I Know Ka-razy

The stigma against community colleges really, REALLY needs to fucking die.

Of course it is.

It’s not that Bergeron didn’t want the employee to tell their story, it’s that she was paying him 50 cents for 2,000 words of it.

It’s been a dog’s age since I listened to the first season of Serial. I remember coming away from it with two distinct impressions: