
I prefer the method of telling people I don’t care to talk with them or answer their call, texts or emails before I leave on vacation or for the end of the work day, so imagine how little I will care while not on the job. It’s far more efficient than lying...

Now days if you just inform them your travel was cancelled due to airline cancellations and they won’t ask too many questions and are pretty much required to provision for that.

That’s a good point. I saw another comment from another writer a while back regarding some gaming news that accentuated that the lady was a lady (and black so they doubled down). It was about some amazing game collection, and it really should have been something along the lines of,”This person has an amazing game

I guiltily admit to using them as shoe cleaners, even knowing they are safety devices.  To make it worse I watched the show on Hulu about Escalator accidents so now I guess I am just being defiant about it.  I am prepared for a runaway escalator and to jump off at the bottom in case it breaks and starts

Being a man of many hobbies, wit a love for gaming, some days you just have to let one project slide while you shoot people in the face.  I’ll let you sort out the sim from reality...

I remember playing the original Lawn Mowing simulator from about 10 years old until I was 17. It was about 2 acres of simtastic fun. I also played dish washing simulator, take out the trash simulator, walk the dog simulator, ride the bike about 20 miles for a paper route simulator, and a host of other simulators, such

All of these rudimentary features have been built into itunes, iphone, and windows since maybe windows 7.  If someone can’t do it currently I’m not sure why not but ultimately the most interesting features would be if they setup a way for you to respond to your IM’s through a windows app or service, or at least allow

Several years ago this article would have been titled. “Gamer gets two world records for her game collection.” Glad she has her records, nothing taken away, but I’m pretty sure a photo with the story would have been as sensational as it needed to be.

Jose, great Imagery. I am the owner of three Hawks currently in various states of running or refurbishment and 2 past units. It’s a sickness I guess. I’m not sure but I guess in a way it almost the David Tracy of Honda Hawks, except every Hawk is a holy grail (well I guess every vehicle is a holy grail to David too,

100K sounds like so much until you break it down into product prices and then you realize its basically three harleys, or two if you ordered extra tassles and chrome...   Still, stealing is wrong.

I too am suffering from it this but I have kind of come up with a hard but firm method to deal with it. He’s stuck in the Qanon media blitz and really into the idea that he has to hoard his ammo (and plethora of weapons), that pizzagate was a reality, and lizard people are draining children for their youthful

I was really surprised the timesert failed so easily.  Not sure of the reasoning but categorically they have always been known to be stronger than a heli-coil but who can say.   I know I have done my own tests and found it to be better personally so not sure what could have made it fail.

It’s not even that people don’t know about it, its the fact that so many people don’t want to even have to type in a password to begin with.  It’s a sad truth.  

Making a product to reduce bitcoin production with a software obstruction and then releasing the method to unlock the reduction process says they aren’t really concerned about it as long as the market keeps driving the prices upwards.

same as the plunger method. Use a large ziplock back and your hand to seal off the tub overflow. If you can see some hair in the drain get some needle nose pliers and be ready to be amazed at how much hair you pull out if it doesn’t get pushed down first.

If I might offer some advice. If it is a kitchen sink the hot water is a good first step, but I wouldn’t bother with it in a bathroom sink. just make sure it’s boiling hot water if you suspect a grease stoppage. Also, before you buy a sink auger, or some special tool and break all the stuff under the sink, do you have

I used to think David was addicted to holy grail jeeps, now I think he is just addicted to the holy grail...   I think its filled with margarita mix or sangria or something alcoholic...

The ones on a cable are great for loose nuts and bolts, but terrible for threaded holes that are in tight areas, like maybe the exhaust bolt holes on the side of the motors or in transmission adapters and such. Not a huge issue but that is usually where I need a tool like these most.  I’m almost at the point of

Head height is less than stellar on the current Fronty as well.  I am about 5-10 and have clubbed myself with the roof while doing some spirited driving on roads with some whoops on them.