
I have to say I have a 2013 Frontier and aside from it getting up in miles and being battleworn it’s been an awesome truck.   I have been on the fence to see what mothership Nissan did with the styling btu I have to think I might be interested in holding out for one more year and picking up a new model.  I’m just kind

No Joke!!!

I am not sure why but newspaper has always been the premier window cleaning agent.  I think my only problem is that I never buy a newspaper any more, lol.

I’m genuinely laughing at the idea of wearing safety glasses and safety gloves to clean a windsheild with soapy water and alcohol. I wonder how some people make it into a shower some days.

chabuduo explains why you won’t find things like chinese precision ball bearings

So much for that shipping crunch to get things done and fixing it with a day one patch of 100 gb

This seems so much more like a David Tracy Holy Grail article but I digress.  David, if you have the time to respond, some time ago I emailed you about the possible purchase of your front bumper from your Wagoneer.   It would have been from a gmail account.  Hope you can find the time to reply.

Not trying to dismiss you but your statement makes it obvious you are not aware of how automotive AC systems work, and there is nothing wrong with it. Not to print a book about it but most automatic climate control systems in vehicles do exactly what he suggests short of opening the windows a crack.  Manual systems do

OK, admittedly I haven’t read the story yet, but I’m going to ask a question before I do. Does pushing the rusting carcass of a auto (said jeep in this case) out of the driveway, to the street, and by the curb so you can park it there and relinquish driveway space for another non running vehicle qualify as having

Some people have that compulsion, not sure why.  I just see the prices and that’s enough for me to reconsider that what I have is adequate.  I chased that dragon for the whole time I played age of conan and then I finally realized there is nothing a modern graphics and cpu setup can do to resolve old coding and a game

I can attest you do not have to upgrade every time an upgrade for PC gear comes along. I’m playing modern games on a unit that has about 11 or 12 years of dust on it between a core 2 duo e8400, and the graphics card being the last thing I updated with a gtx 970 ( I think from 2014). Sure the best I can do is 1080P

For me it’s the fact that I have never looked at any game that was on the Xb1 and said, I have to have that.  It’s the only thing that has ever made me buy a console, and if Sony fails to see the error in their logic and starts releasing the ps5 games on PC then I won’t need to buy it either.  PC’s are still better at

I’d probably get the cheapest used car I could find that has some resemblance of reliability (so in other words nothing that David Tracy recommends).  Maybe something like a Honda Civid, somewhere around 2005 to 2010, and then take what you have left over and buy an equally cheap and reliable Honda motorcycle of some

Not saying I am pro or con for diversity, I just think they should focus on hiring people that can maybe not sexually harrass people and provide a great product first. I thought the gaming industry needs fresh new ideas and ways to implement those ideas, regardless of skin color or nationality, but hey WTF do I

I’m experiencing a myriad of confusion as to why it wouldn’t be ok to do so....

I think you just helped me realize why my work laptop is not allowing a usb tether anymore.  Ever since they upgraded me to Windows 10 they never reinstalled itunes and now it makes sense!

I’m just praying for the day you can use imessenger properly in windows like you can an android. I hate typing on any mobile device. I guess I just have wide fingers.

I was going to say that the obvious answer is because people are stupid enough to buy it...

So not only are you buying another “Holy Grail” shitbox (hey at least it won’t be polluting your lawn this time) but you are also taking a risk to get yourself, or even worse, your parents sick??? I’m not sure but you may be the poster child for bad decision making. You should admit you have a shitbox hoarding prolem

I can honestly say I do not understand the need either, but then again I don’t even understand the need to watch on TV or go and watch “for the experience”.  The only reason I would want to go is if I was participating (and getting paid too, lol).  Otherwise I have a lot more productive things to occupy my time.