
I was just going to chime in and say if there was no X-play there wouldn’t be a G4 but before that it was ZDTV and Leo and Patrick on Screensavers (and Leo on Call for Help).  If there is no Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb, there will be no G4/Xplay.   It’s sad to think that since G4 originally died there has been no in

I also am finally cleaning out my Steam list of games that were put off by too many years of MMO’s dominating my game play time.  I’ll admit a miss my first MMO a little (Age of Conan) but I like the satisfaction of completing games based on my skills and not a group of nimrods..

I must have missed when they were ever in the top of performance...   I thought the only thing they did well about 15 years ago was photoshop?

I’ve been of the mindset that police services shouldn’t hire military veterans without a lot of scrutiny, even more so than a “civilian” especially combat veterans. I only say that because as a veteran myself I know plenty of friends and fellow servicemen that I would go to war with but would have to think twice of

There’s no accounting for the human condition known as stupidity. I’m sure they think it’s fine to pass cars while white-lining at 25 to 50 mph above the speed of traffic as well.

Maybe some people do not haul or tow every minute of the day that they are driving....

They’ve been doing it since dragonball...

Diet anything in a drink kind of ruins it for me. The flavor is just off compared to using straight Coke (or whatever flavor needed for whatever drink). It’s like asking for a 7 and 7 and then someone subs in sprite or even worse, Sierra Mist. It just skews the flavor profile in a negative way for me. Then again diet

LS Swap it with a K5 700R4 and NP208....

I once saw a cycle group climbing a hill taking up the whole lane and while I get that they were trying to protect the group by staying close to each other I’m thinking it would have been far safer to have maintained a single file line. I’m sure anyone can always look back in hindsight and see a better way though.

There is no need to ask. It’s expected some people need to adjust for comfort. The key to reclining is to ease the seat back and do it gently, rather than the way some people just slam it back. I know a lot of times it’s not their intent but I’ve never really had an issue doing it myself unless their is someone behind

They could call it Furiously Burnt Clutches.....

Probably just better off sticking with a Coyote or maybe the crossplane 5.0.  Would make the Pantera sound exotic”er”...    Then again you could get you a Hanoi huffer and twin turbski an LS on it and offend everyone, both GM and Ford guys, lol

Awwwww, someone watches Hotrod Garage on Motortrend....

Reading this kind of hit me in the feels today....  :o(

I can’t help but wonder, having worked and visited around Durham, why they don’t just dig down and make the level of the road a few feet deeper in the departure and approach.  Sure it will be a pain in the rain but maybe adding yet another 1 or 16 inches would bridge the gap (no pun intended) just enough...

If they took the old Gen 1 Titan and put the drivetrain from the new one in it I bet the improvement in sales would be amazing....

I think if they could boost the power up to around 310 to 325 which would be pretty easy for Nissan to do. That and give us 8 speed auto the current gen body on frame style would still be stomping the crap out of the other mid-size trucks (as well as most other half ton trucks). If they want to up the towing game they

Owners are still referred to as cocks though right???   (just quoting Clarkson)

More like a Chevette or one of those small body Nova’s that later become a Cavalier given the 80's flavor