
If he slimed down maybe it was slime fast instead?


Thank god I am not the first person to roll my eyes at the idea of getting vaccine info from pinterest as opposed to like WEbMD, or the CDC website..    I’m not figuring out a place setting for when the inlaws come to visit...

It’s too much fugly for any amount of money.   

Well, I mean, have you looked at the front of this thing??? It really only takes one look to see why it isn’t selling. If they had been smart they would have just crammed the new tech and power train into the old body styles and updated the interior comfort level with some ball and taint chiller seats. It already had

So Rowdy comes back from multiple concussions, is now an older team owner looking to see if Cole still has a little trickle left in him after years of suffering multiple concussions as well?????

How do I opt in for free amazon samples?  LOL

You do realize that you could just say, “Any Harley Davidson is too expensive” and it wouldn’t be any less accurate?

Chevy could have done this with the old school K5 Blazer’s and Jimmy’s instead of making the shitbox they did and imagine how many jobs could have been saved and how little development would have been needed.  Just add ABS, leather seats, airbags, and infotainment system......   What a shambles...

GM still has not figured out people don’t want to buy a car that is ugly as f*&K and I am left wondering in 2 years which plants they will have left to close and how many workers left to layoff before they just close up shop and import everything from China...

Seriously??? Of course they do, lol.  What company doesn’t now days, even if they say they do not...

I’m so anxious to put this together, color it pea green, and put a 120 inch whip antenna on it so I can have a perfect replica/reminder of my Grandad’s car for as far back as I can remember!!!

Months???? More like years.. Wait until Disney/Marvel content shifts away completely to their own streaming service. Netflix won’t have anything but old TV shows and “Netflix produced content.  They won’t have any big theater movies.

I stopped saying “I am sorry”. Nothing wrong with saying I apologize if you are in error or mistaken in some fashion, but to me saying those words indicates a low self worth, and I think that if you get in the habit of saying it you start to emulate it...

All HAIL BOJANGLES.   Chik filet is inferior to this in so many ways!!!!

I get the feeling this is some play on the Rick and Morty alternate dimension TV shows except now instead of Jan Michael Vincent its Mark Quadrant Rufallo 16

Seems to me a doctor should be intelligent enough to figure out how to put their phone in their pocket and maybe they could get an iwatch (or whatever they are called) so they can see their text messages...  I notice even the lowest paid nurses seem to have one now days.  Unless you feel you are too important to have

I was wondering the same thing....

Now I have a name for it!!!!!

It’s not like he had input on his name, lol...   No respect!!!!