Funny how people keep finding lost work from dead people... Tolkein, R.E. Howard, Kubrick, 2Pac... All we need now is some beyond the grave Biggie and my world will be complete....
Funny how people keep finding lost work from dead people... Tolkein, R.E. Howard, Kubrick, 2Pac... All we need now is some beyond the grave Biggie and my world will be complete....
I say tell the ungrateful heathens to walk or take a bus while you drive in your 14 year old hoopty comfortably!!!!
I think you’ve mistaken fast for fun but it is forgivable.
For me its never really an issue that they lean the seat back but its the manner in which they do so. When I lean my seat back I tend to look who is behind me, see if they are leaning forward with their head against the seat (some people do that, including myself when my back is hurting) and then slowly lean the seat…
Oh man, this makes me so incredibly sad. I don’t normally get caught up in media stuff or get emotional about these kind of things but it just caught be at one of those moments where it makes you want to bawl your eyes out. I can’t imagine someone being put in this position and losing their pet because of someone’s…
Maybe the problem is no one really wants to pay 60K for a car that is essentially a reskinned Chevy Cruze or Traverse with an upgraded infotainment system and upgraded leather seats....
I had an issue like this that popped up recently and then I started checking things I had changed. Turns out the Xbox 360 wired controller I had hooked to my PC was flipped upside down and laying on the carpet next to my PC and desk and there was something sitting on it that was just heavy enough to push a button that…
Do you fly in commercial jets? I got bad news for you if you do....
I think what they must mean is original idea’s are very hard, because that is what seems to be lacking. Who asked for yet another game of flying robots or whatever this rubbish is? You’d think someone would have learned with two failures of what ever Microsofts most recent couple of Jump Jet market losers were called…
I drove by it earlier today and was wondering what all the cars were about. I was thinking it might be flood cars but I wasn’t sure. Saves me having to google what the ruckus was.
I prefer the Hippo J Pottomas version...
Yes, because Microsoft, Apple, Samsung, can be trusted to not have access to the microphone and camera in your cell phone at any time and would never do anything untrustworthy....
I just turn off the corporate email service on my iphone and never give out my personal gmail account. If someone is brave enough to call then I inform them who to contact in my place... Its probably the most polite way to say don’t bother me unless it’s to let me know the place burned down and there’s no need to…
So they are making a one handed keyboard, for a phone, that when originally made, was small enough to use with one hand??? Makes perfect sense.... I so miss my iphone 4s... LOL
I’ve sees people on waivers for worse then a single instance of drug trafficking and I just find myself thinking... Yep, pride of the nation right there. Recruiters gotta hit those numbers to stay in V-billet.
As long as the line is dashed so far as I know but as a rider I gotta wonder why he is going so much faster than everyone. I’d slow down on the dotted lines and even if there wasn’t a barrier between the HOV lane and regular traffic. If the car didn’t signal and just swerved out (and didn’t have a second passenger)…
New lease on life???? LOL Yes as a extra large batch of paper clips....
Because cheap labor.... and they don’t give a shit about soldiers, marines, sailors and airmen...
This is why I have to appreciate what Germany is doing in regards to banning emails when you are away from work.... I just wish there was a way for my brain to communicate when it has decided to stop processing BS.