
Hopefully, a drought won't hit Farmville now and Superman won't come to town... :P

Now, if only this were in 3D.... :P

@Tycho Vhargon: Yeah, YouTube needs to focus on making its videos load faster before it starts trying to support larger, more band-width sucking videos.

@Tagbert: Haha, wow, I didn't see that :P

@That_was_totally_Batman: I think the sim card variety is just a variation of a smart-card, right? So if you have a business laptop and the right drivers, along with the original pop-out card, you can probably use that?

God, Turnitin is a pain. Especially when it randomly says the page doesn't exist and you get a late grade BECAUSE THEIR SERVERS FAILED.

"Nielsen's findings were based on the performance of 24 users who "like reading and frequently read books.""

You can go straight to a tab by pressing CTRL+[number of tab, 1-9]

Yay Chrome! More people using it = more people making add-ons = better browser experience!

I don't get how getting more spectrum makes your internet directly faster...

I want to wait for the Mac user who dual boots his computer with a version of Windows just to sync his iPhone. :P

I should check how this works out, but the way it's written here makes me think:

@thevpuli: For some odd reason, I can't edit my comments now >.<

@Random Acronym: dude, yeah, that is really cold. What's the room temperature? o_O

An annoying thing on several laptops is that the intake vent is on the bottom. Quite stupid if you ask me.

For some strange reason, the first image reminds me of Austin Powers: Goldmember.

@staticfive: Actually, I just realized my own error. I thought that the page address was[page title], when there's actually a numeric code above it.

@matthewabel: Actually, if hornets and wasps are being a real pain, you can kill them and then put a closed plastic jar or something over it to keep the rest of the hive from coming down on you. I guess it prevents the pheromones from reaching the rest of the hive?