
@vinterchaos: It's true. Who cares if it's fragmented or not on the user end as long as the things that the user uses works to his/her satisfaction?

@vinterchaos: It's true. Who cares if it's fragmented or not on the user end as long as the things that the user uses works to his/her satisfaction?

@EvilDroidClone2: Android is based on a modified Linux kernel. In other words, Android is closer to Ubuntu than to Windows. When it comes down to applications though, it really depends on how the programmer writes it. Some programmers have held true to the idea that pictures go in pictures, and not elsewhere. Others

I have a similar program, and instead double-clicking it to open it, I created a shortcut and set the shortcut key (in properties) as "Ctrl + Alt + " (When you're in the box, press the two keys and then enter to save this combo, even though its not a theoretically valid key combo for shortcuts.)


Thank you. My thoughts exactly. Thank you.

You're talking about file transfers. Status bars with file transfers are still fairly bad with any operating system, especially with old hard drives. You can't really blame the operating system though - if a file transfer is going on, and a program or application needs to read/write to the disk, the program has

If they change to LTE, they better give a free upgrade for my Evo... I just got it a few weeks ago :(

Using tape always helps me. After cleaning with a microfiber cloth, try putting the protector on. If there are bubbles in the middle, take it off and use packaging tape to remove the small things on the screen. If you can't take the protector off again, stick the tape on one of the corners of the screen and pull up.

So it's an Android phone with widgets dedicated to Facebook? I don't get what's special about it still...

@NorthernRoamer: Yes, but shouldn't a cell phone be marketed to as many people as possible? And shouldn't game consoles be marketed to more than just the strong gamers and include the growing younger generation gamers?

@colonel005: People in the US complain about people from Mexico coming to the US...

@Joe Rowley: Nice script man. Is there any way to bypass loading the gallery view first though? It seems to load the gallery page first, and then refreshes to the non-gallery page.

It doesn't work for me yet :(

HTTPS sounds good from the way that this article is written, but there must be some downside? I mean, why else would websites not use HTTPS? Is it significantly slower or something? (I honestly have never been able to tell the difference on things like Gmail and whatnot...)

Oh, this doesn't feel as impressive anymore. You guys had a related article a while back, but I thought it meant chargers alongside the highway that would inductively charge the vehicle while driving on it.

@Phantom_Photon: True, true, but I hope that your "does actually get" is including apps that are cluttering the background. I have friends with the iPhone 3GS, and they have watched two full movies in a row without any problem before.

@Phantom_Photon: You must have a really old battery, exposing that battery to extreme conditions, or have some software/hardware issues that are causing excessive battery drainage.

@Phantom_Photon: You must have a really old battery, exposing that battery to extreme conditions, or have some software/hardware issues that are causing excessive battery drainage.