I mean, they won’t be wrong.
I mean, they won’t be wrong.
Couldn’t the child miner just sell his ore to an adult, for cash, before it’s been entered into the blockchain?
It was long enough ago for me that I didn’t really use GPS at all in training, but got plenty of practice using the ADF, which I hated.
Username checks out.
“I don’t agree.”
How do we know if our jamming equipment actually works if we don’t actually attempt to utilize it against our own systems? To say nothing of how the training isn’t as effective if you just have a voice skawking in your ear telling you to turn off your GPS now instead of actually simulating the different levels of…
Not really. Commercial airlines, and most private aircraft, can still fly and land with the older VOR and localizer systems, though it’s not as flexible in defining arbitrary waypoints. (Which could cause congestion as more planes are routed onto fewer paths.)
As long as it doesn’t interfere w/the old school instruments, any pilot that remembers anything from ground school should be ok.
Just read a little bit more and your concern should subside.
Looks like the driver of that Compass needs a better sense of
As soon as I read your comment, I knew it was written by a retard.
“We can present it in a way that builds that confidence, builds that trust”
The guy who actually wrote it? No way. The contract company that put in the lowest bid and then had cost overruns? Definitely.
Sounds like something a D-plus student.would say...
No, it has to drive the rest of the way.
You seem nice.
After my machinest gig, i got a design engineering job at a major aerospace company, i quickly went from hating engineers, to hating machinists hahah. Now i work as a project engineer, and i basically hate everyone
Saving a wild (unendangered) animal from a wildfire hardly makes someone a hero. Animal lover? Sure. Cool guy? Maybe. Hero? No. Irrelevant in the grand scheme of things? Yes. Animals die from all kinds of stuff in the wild and rabbits are more than capable of replacing their population, there’s a phrase about that…