
You shut your mouth, that day will never happen!

Can confirm. The torque is cra-cra.

stop breaking the law, asshole


Are the stolen Teslas now called Edisons?

Wow. Just Wow. Way to go maligning an entire job category. I’m not a truck driver and don’t know anything about what they do in any detail but I’m pretty sure they’re not all exactly the same as each other. That statement of yours reveals more about your level of ignorance and arrogance you smug twat. Maybe we could

There’s a three-quarter-million-mile Mustang out there, but the Ford museum doesn’t want it: They don’t dare let the owner just drive it right onto the museum floor past a cheering crowd of people.

Quite the opposite. They were more than likely very good pilots. They just happened to be good pilots who were partaking in an extremely high risk activity. The implication is that they rolled the dice and came up snake eyes.

By flying it into a blind canyon with no way out. How is that the fault of the aircraft?

? Pilot error was exactly the problem, as it is in over 95% of aviation mishaps. Attributing inability to tolerate G to folding wings is foolish. F-18’s have folding wings, as do many other aircraft capable of withstanding a higher g load than most humans can tolerate for an extended period. Low level flying is

What cartel is your boss laundering money for?

When I was around 13 my father and I tried to perfect the “One Cheek Sneak” — getting a silent but deadly fart out in public without laughing. We were generally a bit noisy and the other one would detect it. Giggles all around. Anyone pulling off the OCS was supposed to get away scott-free and was legally allowed to

+1 You deserve the #COTD nomination for this post IMnsHO

Structural engineer here. The fact that this is the largest of the 3 (apparent) braces running across the short axis of the car to stiffen the frame rails tells me it has the most load on it (yes real engineering-ish). I’m having a hard time orienting the pictures with each other but regardless: corners are always the

Fixed that for you.

(former LEO)

IQ 116.

Carrier flight operations are a zero-sum operation with very little room for error,

What’s more impressive is they managed to find the only 249 on planet earth that can fire more than 100 rounds without a stoppage.