
Ah, the one thing that an bring Republicans and Democrats together: Corruption.

If it’s not a Sting operation, then call the Police.

Nothing screams understanding your market like “Here, let’s offer you the same kind of storefront you can get from about 40 other places”. The reality, AMC (and this goes for you too Cinemark and other cinemas), we don’t need another storefront selling/renting us movies that we can get from another storefront (or

I once got so “depressed” I tried to kill myself and they put me in a hospital for weeks and have found over the next several years that no current meds are effective! What a laugh! You guys should try that party sometime!

Vietnam was the original delivery scam; delivering democracy to the natives.

It’s Florida. They're already in a third world country

Is anyone else confused as to why these sheriffs deputies are dressed like they’re getting ready to invade a third world country?

I have used my super computer speed brain to calculute to 99.9999...% that there is at least one customer of Alex Jones alpha man supplements in that photo.

I have a feeling that the biggest breakdown for this will be that men will apply it to the penis (vigorously) and not the arms and shoulders. 

>pay homeless people to pray to his statue each night

Why on earth would he do that?

Everyone knows it doesn’t work unless they believe.


Following the twist, their rivalry morphs into a story about a white woman seeking to unseat a multiracial, black woman from her social station—specifically by exposing the truth about her heritage. The term “half-breed” should be seen as quite loaded in this context.

I hate you. Have a star.

Great article. Brings back memories of when I faked my own death to get out of the Columbia Record Club.

*joke about piss-poor quality*

so we’re no longer shitting a brick? 


So the theft wasn’t a smashing success?

I would totally watch a British equivalent of National Treasure.

You just ask it if it’s a cop. It has to tell you. It’s a law or something.