The Venerable Bede

Now that the season has ended, did we ever get closure to this question?

This episode blew me away. Like everyone else, I'd watch a spin-off of the cab drivers, but the other segments were just as fun to watch.

I'm 15 days late to this episode, and no one's commented on this exchange?:

THANK YOU. What they did with all the character relationships in this one was phenomenal. I can't believe all the negative comments on here.

They were to-go milkshakes from Pop's! I don't know how Polly's not sick of them yet.

Can confirm, we Vermonters are indeed obsessed with our maple syrup. And Cabot cheese.

Wait, do people really pronounce AIM like the word? I've only ever heard it pronounced A-I-M.

In another comment, someone says that they cut the scene where Jughead opened it, and the writer couldn't say what was inside because they decided to reveal it a different way in a future episode.

Holy shit, I knew Reggie was supposed to have a bigger role before he was cast in something else (was it 13 Reasons Why?), but all I'd heard was that he was supposed to be a murder suspect or something. I can't believe he was supposed to have Chuck's role, that really pisses me off.

I literally had to stop the show and message my friend about how hot she was in that scene.

Welp, I began this review thinking, "I'm definitely going to comment about how I cried during Veronica's scene in the bathroom."

God, that elevator scene was the worst. You'd think after four seasons of horrible, horrible Nick/Jess treatment, they'd have done their (potentially) final scene together right, but ughhhhh

FREAKING THANK YOU. It's nice to know I'm not alone. Ugh, I gave up the show after season 3, why did I pick it up again this season?

"Charles Grodin is a bitter old man with a giant head"

Really? I've been in classes with the children of teachers before.

Just finished bingeing the entire series and I completely agree. I couldn't stop watching, and there would be moments that would actually work, but mostly I found myself yelling at the TV screen. A lot. The comparison to Glee really is spot-on, 'cause it's so frustrating when a show has glimmers of what it COULD be.

Yeah, as a woman, that shut-down was life giving.

Ah, okay, I wouldn't mind this. I was commenting above that I really don't want him to not get into a car accident at all, in a "PSYCH!" type move from the show, but you're totally right, they could easily have him get into an accident but not have it be what kills him. I wouldn't find it nearly as intolerable as if

I'm just now starting in on the comments (just finished watching the episode and reading the review), but it had to have been a car accident, right? While driving drunk, just like it seems it will be? It feels like you agree because you used the phrase "up until the end" like we know the end is just around the

I approve of your "Jughouse" typo