The Venerable Bede

That scene haunts my nightmares. Whyyyyy

Why do you feel the need to talk down to tex, a Brazilian, about shit that they literally live every day? I don't know your gender or race but as tex said, this hella feels like mansplaining and I'd bet money you're white, too. You need to check yourself.

I remember hating it when I saw it in middle school, but maybe I need to rewatch it?

For a second I thought that said Fred Dursts, and I was like, "…They did it all for the nookie?"

Didn't know who that was. Googled it. I now require this.

Is it worth watching? Netflix keeps trying to ram it down my throat, but I've heard literally nothing about it, so I've been assuming it's not good.

I watched way too many crap episodes of Suite Life because of my crush on Cole.

Is that you, Mickey?

Things I loved:
- Betty writing in her diary (though she was using pencil—doesn't she realize that smudges over time? Use a pen, girl!) and having worked on cars with her dad. Both aspects of her character in the comic, yay!
- Veronica's line to Cheryl, "And your faux concern reeks of ulterior motive."
- The reveal at

I'm curious to hear Kayla's thoughts on this week's episode. It's been 3 days, did AV Club drop coverage of this show?

Thought the episode was a major disappointment. It's great that she learned to listen, but not once did they address the fact that she thinks being a doctor makes her better than nurses, and I highly doubt we'll see any of this episode's character development actually stick. It was just a ridiculously convoluted way

I'm surprised to see Not Another Teen Movie getting so much love on here, because I have a love/hate relationship with that movie that mostly involves me watching it every few years and remembering that I don't actually like it. Somehow I forget over time (mostly I think, "It can't be as bad as I remember, it's got

Kevin, probably: I don't expect you to understand that because you're not a minority.
Josie, probably: *I'M* NOT A MINORITY?!

Fred Andrews wins all the parenting awards, I swear. Archie's been such a fuck-up lately but his dad is aces.

While I disagree with this (but I do love Santino Fontana), I have to say that CXG is such a freaking good show.

I came here to comment exactly that.

Definitely started crying when she wanted to jump off the cliff. As someone who has been suicidal before, it was hard to watch but I also couldn't look away.

On the one hand, I agree with you, but I do feel like Veronica was begging for forgiveness for more of a transgression than what Archie did. All Archie did was not return Betty's feelings and then kiss a friend of hers (he didn't even pursue Veronica afterwards or anything), which is hurtful, but not as much of a

*Alba, not Alma

Poor Teddy, hopefully he stays far away from these guys from here on out so he doesn't become the Cricket of the show. Although maybe the more apt comparison is Liam McPoyle, who also lost an eye because of the Gang.