
This is going to sound weird, but... see if you can track down the most recent episode of Hoarders, the first episode of the 12th season. It features a MAGA-type family, bogged down by trauma, isolation, and mental illness... and a literal lifetime worth of garbage on their property, which they feel represents their

She is a child who was sex trafficked. She was sold to this man like human chattel. She had already been raped repeatedly, and was facing a LIFETIME of being raped again and again by the man who was sleeping. Fuck off with “killing someone while they sleep is not self defense” because by saying that you are dismissing

...millions of people who’ve never had to develop functional coping mechanisms for dealing with reality...

I think this is a great idea. Politicians in general need to be making decisions and proposing policy that are more long-term and future-focussed. Currently they focus on the next four years. Understanding that people who are going to BECOME adults during your term, and have to live their ENTIRE ADULT LIVES in a world

In her brief, Goessling cited a researcher who wrote, “Women who are confronted with a sexual assault are significantly less likely to experience a completed rape if they resist with a weapon.”

“...and the defendant took it as an invitation to fight her War for Social Justice and an opportunity for social media fame... think of the wasted potential simply because this [upstanding family man / star athlete / respected public official / honorable judge / decorated officer of the law / beloved son] was alone

So interesting. Perhaps the love Jackson had for the little orphan boy in the film, and the way he was able to seek out and meet the actor when they were both teenagers... perhaps this experience was part of what Jackson was trying to recreate with the younger boys he befriended, or befriended and abused.

Yeah. The sexist justice system is predisposed to disbelieve women when they report sexual assaults, and devalues the impact of attempted assaults. it, though?

I saw Roma in the theatre and it was TRANSCENDENT. It was a story focussing on women who normally get ignored narratively, making them into epic heros. Not to mention the fact that the camera work, set pieces, performances and audio were - sincerely - the best that I have seen in a very long time, and I say that in

Oh hey look the Attelboro bylaws pertaining to dogparks (pg 87):


I feel like something has shifted in Trump. He appears to be undermining himself again and again, at a higher and more profound rate than usual, even as he seems to be advancing his plans on a surface level. Literally saying that you don’t need to do something as you also declare a state of emergency about the same

What’s grossest to me about this is how CALCULATED doing the Taylor Swift cover album appears to be. How do you attract underage girls? By fake-ironically covering the music of their girl power idol, earnestly inserting himself into the world of the young women he ideally wanted to target sexually. It seemed like a

I believe these were songs he wrote and performed:

This very thing has taken up a lot of my own headspace the past few months.

Ugh, it’s just delaying tactics... we HAVE to do something like the New Green Deal. Everyone with half a brain knows this. Like... is this not a completely obvious foregone conclusion?

They are the answer, but for opposite reasons. Like... I don’t need to cuddle a rando if I feel touch-starved. Dating?! Pah! Chopper and Cujo are master cuddlers, and they look at me with such love. especially after a long walk in the park or when I whip up something even slightly fancy for dinner. Honestly, my dogs

Serious question: what is a more appropriate way for Steven to make amends?

I just want to say that if you can view Roma in a theatre, do it.