I am not talking about the sugar pills, you silly git.
I am not talking about the sugar pills, you silly git.
I recall (from many long years being on the pill to control PCOS before switching to the NuvaRing) the advice that if I missed a pill or two, then had sex and I was worried about becoming pregnant, I COULD overdose myself on my own hormonal birth control the next day and it MAY have a similar effect to Plan B. I…
“There was one major event that happened right after I graduated high school: I became a legal member of the Tuohy family,” Oher wrote.
Yes, there are definitely preexisting girl-is-not-right issues with Misty. She is on the team, but she isn’t ON the team, you know?
Yeah, agree... can’t see any upside.
Upon reflection, since Ebba’s brilliance at PR created his money-printing image, so her leaking the India dirt is her taking revenge.
I genuinely think everyone is completely overlooking Ebba’s potential brilliance as a PR director, and her possible role in shaping a narrative that actually favors her boss, potentially up to and including this crazy shit about blood and hair - if she is not good at parties, then perhaps her skill lies in using false…
It’s cute, because you seem to have the same myopic “bare minimum of thought” about Shiv that Ken and Rome give towards their sister - that she should be okay with simply continued involvement in THEIR schemes as an important voice, and that her potential “individual moves” could not possibly include seeking higher…
I have thought for some time now that it is a response to one of the side effects of the one-child policy in China, which over time has led to a disproportionate number of young men without wives, and an increase of enrollment in the military.
I will camp out on that hill! Take the granddaddy of all reality shows, then make it bigger, longer, and more uncut. Yes, it casually exposes some of the inherent prejudice in Australian society, and tends to turn into the cool kids vs everyone else, but the challenges are SO hardcore and the resulting drama is FIRE. …
My money is on Alissio and Ethan being the dead bodies, with Jack as a possible third. The Degrasso family takes a hit out the former, and Cameron (or Harper) kills Ethan after Ethan catches them fucking (he is the Moor from the legend).
Jack is my bonus pick, because of prostitute tropes... but I do not think Mike…
I got doored by a car while I was biking, and fucked up my tailbone. The thing that hurt most (by far) was sitting to do anything, followed by laying down on my back, followed by laying down on my side without a pillow between my legs. Standing up straight, even walking was fine, and kind of felt good. Physio was a…
Exactly. Tone of voice aside, repeatedly calling an expert witness “young lady” begs the question... should she have responded to that insulting diminutive by politely reminding him of her name, or by politely addressing him as “old man?”
Oh man... If I were a fetus I would not have developed eyeballs to read your comment, nor would I have a reliable internet connection INSIDE MY MOTHERS WOMB, where I would be unable to breathe. Don’t worry, I am not drowning. I can’t breathe because I am a fucking fetus.
Ugh. I also find the way people are supporting Johnny / hating Amber as if it’s a team sport to be nauseating.
This is the fatal flaw of the 12 step system: turning over of responsibility to a higher power allows those either unwilling or incapable to take responsibility for the results of their own actions to continue to do that indefinitely.
Please dont let this come off as victim blaming... he is not that interested in you outside of sex.
NPH rode a unicorn so JCVD could FLY. I saw this film in theatre and it blew me away. JCVD is right up there with Man Bites Dog as the best genrefuck / fourth-wall-breaking / what am I even watching / still in my top ten best films of all time.
...And yet are so CONFIDENT in your OPINIONS in this editorial about it!