
Muse and The Toadies, probably 7 or 8 times each.

That would be great!

I saw Baby Driver last night. It's average to good. I found Baby was the least interesting character in the entire film.

The more this season went on the more I wish that last season was the series finale. But oh well. I keep thinking that next season will be more of the same, but there's no way right? The writers are way to clever to hash out the same thing right? My guess is time jump.

It's like Orange is the New Black, but the wrestling ring is the prison… Also, Betty Gilpin is amazingly foxy, and I can't stop looking at Alison Brie's neck. Like, once you see it you can't unsee it.

It's an ok season, but ummm…what happened to the Laura Dern Jon Hamm storyline? Like…what?

I think I enjoyed this joke way too much.

Maybe, but I get super tiredhead from the nerds saying "Well in the Comics MJ is white, so she should be white in the movies" and blah blah blah.

Called it.

Maybe Varga wanted to prevent the very thing that's plaguing Emmitt now?

She's pretty foxy for a racist piece of shit.

I have to say this was a very disappointing. I mean, if it stood alone then fine, but there were two episodes of hype and lead up to it and I don't feel that it paid off. I never felt that the stakes were high, or even got a real sense of why the Monks wanted the Earth.

"I repeat, again, some more: Major being so openly pleased Liv and Justin are dating is still super weird!"

Murphy's been my favorite Character since late season 1. He's awesome.

Why? They have the Flash and there seems to be no issue.

In the Comics Vigilante is Adrian Chase, but they blew that wad making him Prometheus. I personally hope they never reveal his identity. I want him to be a scourge to team arrow every once and awhile, but also ally with them too.

Good Season! I even liked it more than season 2. One issue I had was during the fight scenes cutting back and forth between the present and the flashback really took me out of moment. Especially when they showed Dolph's corpse earlier in the episode, also the "Oh no, going to miss the boat I better change clothes real

Ugh, holy shit that was the capper to a shitfest of a season. There is any logic ever used on this show. All the characters are one dimensional. You can seriously have something happen in the previous episode but not have any effect on the next. I mean, what in the fuck? Also, the whole Killer Frost thing, her being

What's sad to me is Mike dies in a similar manner as that lady's husband. Not the same circumstances, but out in the wilderness and no one from his family will ever know where he is, or how he died.

THIS! This is important. The fact he died and came back to life, the very same time Kevin died and came back to life…not really sure if it's important but it's god damn interesting.