
So I started watching today and I wanted to take the one episode a day approach…Now I'm on episode three…lol

Also, everyone assumes that Jimmy changes his name at Chuck's request, but maybe he goes by Saul because Chuck is the one who ruins the McGill name?

When Chuck makes his rant and the camera's slow zoom in, so slow that it takes you by surprise when you realize how close up to Chuck the camera got was a thing of god damn fucking beauty. This is storytelling with the camera. As it kept creeping in on Chuck, it sucks you in on the subject, it was like Chuck was

It did. He took pics to set the scene for Chuck's mental state.

Lol. This is the logic you're using? Doesn't matter how long a show has been on, or it's fan base or following, it's a failure because I guess Nielsen is your god and tells you how things work. I think you need a better barometer on what's a failure and what's a success. Supernatural is in its 12th season and it's

Agents of Shield is a failure? Since when is a show that's critically acclaimed with 4 seasons under its belt a failure?

I'm happy they are making this a show and not a film, but kinda wish this went the netflix route.

So, I've had a few days to mull over the latest episode of The Flash. 3 episodes left in the season and I think I'm done after the end of the season. They made a huge mistake with time travel, and I swear I was commenting on here the first time travel was used on this show and I said that the show runners need to set

So much this!

"When exactly did Kevin Sr. and Matt get so close?" Weren't they close in Season 1? I swear Kevin Sr. let Matt borrow some cash. Am I wrong?

A good friend of mine is a high school teacher and she told me that now a day kids don't know how to google, or use a computer period because everything they use is on a phone and they don't even use browsers, they just hop on facebook, snapchat, instagram ect. She was shocked when she, an ART teacher had to explain

He's from Guatemala. Like, do people think he's white? Is this a common thing?

Endless Mike was my childhood hero.

I loved the name reveal. But I really wish they would have went with a joke that was a play off the "Classic Winston-Cece Mess Around." Oh well. And Dude, Jess's character hasn't fit in the loaf dynamic in years, I really with they would stop forcing this Nick Jess thing on us. They don't even seem compatible.

The opening voice over explaining the show and the current storyline of the show. Kills me.

So, I really really hated this episode. And I'm a big fan of shows tricking it up and being adventurous…this missed the mark for me big time.

Lol. C+? This was one of the stronger episodes in the season. Also, Savitar is Barry. He says it twice in this episode.

Also, Zoe Kravitz is like the hottest chick in the world. Can we all give her the crown and let her strut around for a few years?

So…basically the women's version of the Hangover Part 2….NOICE.