
Bro, I already think you're really stupid. Why do you keep commenting? You're not going to change my opinion on you :) I know how TV works. I just didn't like the way they handle the end of that particular episode. It could have been written better. It came across lazy and sloppy. And I like how you say I'm wrong

Lol. "argument." What Argument? What an idiot :-D How do you not kill yourself for being so dumb? I feel bad for your mother little kid. And my defense? I didn't like the ending tag, why do I need to defend this position? I didn't like it. Deal with it, you idiot. Man, what an idiot.

You're an idiot :)

Chase as Prometheus is super disappointing to me. He is the Vigilante, he was written to be the Vigilante. It's like the writers were so impressed with Josh Segarra that they decided to say "Hey, fuck it! Let's make him the big bad!" Terrible. Like, it throws his whole motivation out the window for the season.

Lol. All I said was that the ending seem tacked on and it came across out of place and cheesy. You're the one who wants to fight about it for some reason. So yeah, you're an idiot. Put your internet muscles away. Not every opinion needs to be disputed or fought about. But I do truly believe that you're not very

Glad we agree :)

You're an idiot.

I really hope someone takes this entire season and just edits out any scene with Jessica. I think the show would be 100Xs more enjoyable.

Great, now I want a RoboOrcCop Movie.


Good Episode, but this was my least favorite of the entire season. It was good, but not my favorite.

A side note about Hook. That film came out when I was like 8, and for some reason to this very day Captain James Hook is a larger than life figure to me. Like, in my head he's a 6'6, hook wielding, little boys killing and indians slaughtering bad ass of Neverland. Yet, Dustin Hoffman is barely 5'6.

I wish there was an episode where Barry lost his speed and he needed speed weed to make him faster…I mean, this is a better plot than 99% of the shit The Flash has thrown out there this year.

But it's our right to own a gun! I mean, back in the 1700's we needed guns to squash any slave rebellion, what if we get rid of guns and the slaves decide to rebel? Ever think of that! lol.

I enjoyed this episode until the very end. The "Twist" was super sloppy and super rushed.

I wish Alan Thicke was still alive and Chuck Woolery would have kicked the bucket. Also, who the fuck still goes by the name Chuck?

FCC has no say over what "Cable" or Subscription based channels can show or say. What kept these stations from doing whatever they wanted was they didn't want to drive away advertisers, but over the last few years they have been pushing boundaries without any push back so they are going all the way in. Not sure if

It's super weird. Like, if you think about it hard enough, when Barry was a teenager he was probably whacking it to his adopted sister….weird.

This episode wasn't too bad. I say about a B. They got from A to B without totally making my head explode. Still haven't explained why if Caitlyn uses her powers she goes immediately evil. It really don't make sense. I mean, put a line of dialogue that explains it.. Anyway, the worst part of the episode was the super

Barry "So…do we tell Joe you're dying?"
Iris "Nah, let's lie to him"