
It's hard for me to believe that anyone would stop watching 24 because Curtis died. He was a bit player in a cast of bit players. He had no storylines, he was just kinda there. Also. really? stop watching when Fred Died? Didn't watch those last like 3 episodes huh?

Also, another thing I absolutely hated. When Brock was in there he was in there with Orton. No stare down, no "Remember SummerSlam" Moment. It's like they forgot how to build tension.

I bet it's Charlotte vs Bayley vs Nia vs Sasha.

Cena vs AJ was great. Kinda wish Cena wouldn't have won though, but when he did I was really hoping Flair would come out to congratulate him. The Rumble Match was an hour long jerk circle. There was so much build up. Goldberg, Lesnar, Undertaker, Strowman. Strowman was gone before the formers were even close to being

He also killed the guy who killed Hitler. What a badass.

I enjoyed a lot about this episode, and I hated a lot about this episode. Long lost siblings seemed just so tacked on and I was hoping they would have solved a mystery. So Sherlock just gets off for killing that dude because his sister sent off some Moriarty footage? Blah.

And I kinda like that. It's the "Did the totem fall" argument to me.

I found the ending to be fantastic. A lot to unpack through the entire series. First, was she lying about her story? Well Homer was real, there was video of him talking about football in an earlier episode. She also went from being blind to being able to see which is a huge thing I think people gloss over. Also, the

It's really weird that they want to push this "Women's Revolution" but only push the same two women every week. And I like Charlotte a lot, but the switching the belts back and forth with Sasha, the different stipulation matches it's growing very very tired.

Kinda a harsh review. The Todd not getting the time travel dealie made complete sense to me. He's mentioned in previous episodes about a "vision" he had and he didn't connect the dots to time travel at all. Actually, for him time travel wasn't even a real possibility until it actually happened to him, but Dirk on the

The whole thing was ok. I didn't like the forced conflicted between Oliver and Kara…like…what? It didn't even make sense. Also the Cisco Felicity mashup makes me want to drive nails into my school. I hate both of those characters, and if you throw in Curtis then I'd have X's over my eyes,

4 guys ran so he didn't collect all the needed electoral votes, but he was well out in front. Came down to congress and Henry Clay didn't like him because he murdered a bunch of people….and also wanted to be Secretary of State (Which the four previous Presidents were SOS so he thought it was a guaranteed shot at the

Look up the 1824 Election, where Andrew Jackson had the most Electoral Votes and the Popular vote and still lost.

Julian being Alchemy…yeah, no shit. I guessed that in episode 1. Also, so Caitlyn is good or evil at the flip of a switch? They don't actually explain why her powers make her evil. Like, it doesn't even make sense. it's one thing to be scared and confused about her powers, but trying to kill people? Way too much of a

Everytime I see a Trump twitter post all I can think of is in Home Alone when Kevin's uncle goes "Look what you did you lil jerk" That's you America, you're Kevin.

I had no doubt since the first episode that Bernard was a machine, but I didn't realize how much of a Monster Ford is. It's weird to think that the Man in Black maybe the protagonist in this world. But maybe that's the point. Maybe this is similar to our real world where there isn't any real antagonist or protagonist,

Probably a terrible film, but it certainly will take people to bonertown.

Goofy episode, fun. But c'mon Barry, Iris is DTF, get after it bro.

I swear he said his dad was born in the 50's

So Nate's dog tags disappear, but he doesn't. How does that work?