
The Judas and the get away horses line made me snort so loud.

This episode was a little all over the place, and it kinda felt frustrating with the pacing of it all.

I didn't even know that H&CF was even renewed. Exciting news!

What if I told you they already did that. Cept the chains are your phones and "luxuries" and your owners are Corporations.

Dudes, I'm so in on this it isn't funny.

I dropped this show a few weeks ago. I think TV Club should too. Pick up Blood Drive and enjoy yourself.

Love it, but I would have loved it better if in like a future episode Jaguar saved Rick from something just randomly like they did for the end tag of this one.

I wish the TV Club would cover Blood Drive. It's a ridiculous, but weirdly fun show.

"This ain't o-ver"

I have a question. So no one believes Jon that the white walkers and The Night King are coming, but they know that there is a big ass wall up there keeping something out. Like, he was part of the "Night's Watch" and I assumed that was to watch out for the Night King, yet no one believes him…even though they built a

I thought this was the darkest timeline when Kid Rock lived and his little runnin' buddy Joe C died. I thought "Surely God took the wrong one."

It is an absolute distraction, but it's damaging beyond belief. And did anyone see what he tweeted later?…
Fucking pandering to your Aunt Bernice in the middle of nowhere.

This show suffers from being 22-24 episodes long. Also, the first 3 seasons basically have the same plot outline. Speedster villain, mystery to who he is, the Big Lame Reveal.

I got 12 seconds in before I bailed on the trailer. So Long Flash. Season 1 was fun…the rest not so much.

9/11 maybe the 9/11 of movies.

It's one of the few shows where my brain shuts off and I can enjoy what I'm seeing. Then he shows up and it's like a jolt back into reality, if that makes any sense.

The Ed Sheeran cameo almost took me completely out of the episode

Am I the only one that's weirded out that they took time to edit out her finger prints?

I blame 9/11

I can't wait for the Fresh Prince Disney Song that will accompany this. Big Genie Style, Sometime Lamps don't Understand, Get Wishy With It!