
I think he forgot about Jax altogether.

So, it's obvious that the new Baddy Archer Prometheus is Felicity's Boyfriend right?

6 episodes in and I still get the Cowboy Bebop vibe from this show. Not the storying telling, but in the vibe and the way it's shot.

I actually liked this episode. If Felicity can stay in this exact same role throughout the season it might be bearable.

So, Thawne in season one after killing Barry's mom wasn't able to travel back to the future so he assumed the Identity of Wells. This episode he was able to travel back to the Present, so does that mean he never becomes Wells and is out loose and free? Also, if he doesn't become Wells, does any of what happened in

The Women's match seemed rushed and was my least favorite of the recent matches between the two. Jericho is single handedly carrying RAW. He can put anyone over, he can draw an amazing amount of heat, but when he hinted at going after KO's Belt he got the crowd behind him. This maybe his best run of his career. The

Perfect name. I'd hate it if they make it "The Batman: Bangarang Rufio" or something.

God Damn, what a great show. I am shocked it doesn't get the attention or praise it absolutely deserves.

"I have a Red that I bought with my Bar Mitzvah money" had me laughing so hard.

I kinda felt this all season and this episode confirmed my feelings that this was all like a set up to season 3. And as smart and well shot and acted this show is it has left me feeling a little frustrated. But finally this easter egg website from episode 1 is active.

I kinda hate Jessica so much, and I think this will be the last episode I watch. It's been a good run, but I can't get passed Zooey's Character.

Am I the only one tired of everyone kicking out of each other's finishers? I mean, the kick out used to be reserved for big time matches, hell, Wrestlemania type matches, now everyone kicks out of everything. It's supposed to add this false drama, but I find it boring.

It's funny, not ha ha funny, but…ya know

Gretchen being super excited about the Animals of Instagram Cruise actually made me excited too…And I don't even know why.

I hated his run as Champion. He just felt like a place holder to AJ the entire time. Even before they started their feud, after he just won it I thought "Yeah, he's just a transition guy between Reigns/Rollins-AJ."

I love Miz's run as the IC Champion. He really has elevated that title. I don't even remember the last person to have that title and felt that it meant anything. I seriously see this run by Miz as a precursor to a Main Event Run in the future. Work with or against AJ, or Ambrose. They just need to keep booking him the

I wish they would have let Amethyst say Bad Ass

For some reason my Mind is totally blocking out Vincent. Who is he? Why can I remember the dude that worked at Elliots Office from like season 1 episode 2 that didn't have any speaking lines, but I can't remember who Vincent is?

I mean, if I'm the only one it's cool. just the way it's shot, and some of the characters and the dialogue. I swear Paperboy's friend could be Ed.

I thought it was great. Am I the only one that gets a Cowboy Bebop vibe from it?