
A lot to unpack in this episode. Who was at the Door? Who did Cisco see? Is Elliot and Mr. Robot switching roles? The Power Plant stuff and everything with Angela…So much.

Smackdown is way way better than Raw right now, and it's because of that Third Hour Raw has. It makes the show drag on and on. I got ripped for my opinions on how Raw killed time on Monday. 3 Squash Matches, really? I dread the coming weeks on Raw. They are going to do a forced Babyface on Rollins. Rollins is already

I enjoyed this episode a lot. It legitimately made me very tense. I didn't miss Rami Malek a single bit. I just wish they dedicated an episode just to Dom though.

Thanks for clearing that up :)

So, no discussion on the first scene with the sliced up dead body in the Alley? And when Box was filling out his paperwork for that case did he check "Ordinary Death"? Or was that paperwork for something else?

Amazing. I'm glad I lived this long to see the wonders of this.

I think he was in prison for hacking his psychiatrist's boyfriend from last season.

Win lost record doesn't really matter in feuds though. Also it's been said that after Summerslam Styles will Challenge Ambrose for the title. Also, does Cena even have more 1v1 victories over Styles? I really don't know.

Cena is leaving to film his reality show after Summerslam, so I think he'll lose Sunday, resulting in losing the feud…Finally.

So you're telling me that people were working unpaid overtime…the people responsible for the cgi in an all cgi film were working unpaid overtime? The people doing all the animation were working unpaid overtime? The people who have all the footage and the studio by the balls were working unpaid overtime? Sounds like

It's his way of trying to one up everyone. I've seen it a lot. No one cares if they've seen the British one, like no one cares that people have read the Story of Fire and Ice, and no one cares about having an inkling of advance knowledge about anything.

My favorite part was when Steven threw that Gem Dummy at her and he yells "WATCH OUT!" Steve really is wonderful person.

Maybe Steve grows up to be the 3 eyed raven gem.

NOICE! Did anyone notice the Caligula Documentary in Sadie's collection? NOICE!

I like how she joined twitter in Jan of '15. Way to play the long game.

Still better than Kanye's Famous

It's Cable, there isn't anything against the rules of using Fuck, but it's always been frowned on until lately.

Article should be called "The Hipster's List of the Best movies since 2000"

I wish this movie starred Kate Upton, Charlotte McKinney, Zoe Kravitz and Hannah Simone. I'd watch that in a heartbeat, and bust my own ghost….