
I'm happy with Pike's arch. I like what they've done with him the last few weeks. He feels like a human and not just an obituary dude for us to hate. And if I remember back in season 1 they did the same thing with Kane, and they made him a well rounded character. Bellamy is still fucking useless to me though. If he

Is anyone else thinking that this is ultimately a Boot Strap Paradox?

Most interesting thing was finding out that Elisabeth spells her name with a S!

I dunno. I was the first off the Felicity Smoak boat in season 2, so I have a good track record…of one.

Woody Allen not being grounded in reality? You don't say.

You mean you didn't like the multiverse, Peter being erased from history but coming back and having Olivia have special powers so they can be frozen and thawed out in the future to save their daughter from those bald guys that end up killing her anyway and then Peter becoming one of those bald bros, also everything

I never understood why he didn't close the breach, but ok, whatever, maybe he can't…but, the Flash Gang has proven they can close breaches without special powers…hell, they closed 52 of them with that bomb…but don't worry about it because common sense isn't this show's strong point.

I really hope the world catches up with me and realizes that Cisco is annoying.

Lol. Oh yeah, dude… i have stories on how ridiculous some people are. Nothing is worse than working with someone who thinks they are, or should be more famous than they actually are. Also, reality tv stars are bad too. Lol.

Lol. Not exactly what I'm saying. Just the way he writes he seems like he's a fun sucker. He could have given this an A, but if he's anything like the way he writes, he'd be wearing a scarlet D on his chest for Douche. And being in the TV biz I've met dudes that I imagine this guy is like who like to give you their

Started Strong, the Elekra stuff kinda dragged, but a D? Dude, Oliver please stop reviewing this show. I bet your a fucking terrible party guest.

Less Jon, more Ramsey Bolton

Yeah, but what's in the box…WHAT'S IN THE BOX!?

What's that chant? Overrated? OVERRATED! CLAP CLAP, CLAP CLAP CLAP.

An ok episode. The Big Robot Ray fight bothered me a lot though. I couldn't get passed the super slow motion. It's like they had the budget for about 2 mins of the fight and then slowed it down. Lol. Also, it looked like that one show Reboot.

My review of the review is a D+. Oliver needs a hug.

Not the best episode, but it wasn't too bad. I do wonder if this show will go under the heading of shows that should have stayed with one season.

Spider-man and his Amazing Friends!

I didn't mind it when it was the B story, but just like ALIE, it's taken over and has become the main storyline. I'm going to wait till i see how it all ends before I cast judgement on it though.

This episode was just as bad as Captain Lance's Wig. Terrible.