
He totes was listening to Prince when he was banging those South Side White Girls.

Then why did he say "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." Like, would Barry and the gang be like "WHOA!! YOUR DAD! NO WAY!"

Also, it bugs me that Zoom can seem to go between universes all willy nilly. Like, Cisco just decided not to close the rift he made even though he proved earlier he could? Like, they have this plan to capture Zoom, but left out the part where you don't let him escape to his own world? It's like they don't have someone


Was it shock therapy they were giving him? I am probably mistaken when I said putting him to death.

I think this episode points out everything wrong with this season. It's the second straight season where they cave to the bad guys demands. The Time remnant thing they introduced a few episodes ago remains the dumbest thing ever. So the future Hunter went back in time to tell his past self to let his future self kill

Hmmm…I feel like Season 1 Cole would have Shot Season 2 Cole and Jennifer without any hesitation.

i'm calling it. Mike becomes beloved by everyone, even Tandy, then he'll die an agonizing death from the virus.

So everything is fine and dandy with Mick now huh?

She went and bought a morning after pill, so I'm pretty sure she did, or rather, she's pretty sure she did.

Jess has reached Felicity Smoak Level of annoying to me.

With as many outlets to consume "TV" I'm still shocked that network tv hasn't had like a Pilot Battle Royal type blood bath. Make these pilots available for about month and let the world be your focus group.

Where's Hank fucking Venture?!

As much as I like Louis CK, I don't feel bad at all. I still haven't seen it, but I plan to, and I will watch it for free. I'm probably a big jerk, but meh. I don't care.

Carol "Hey Skid" lol.
So, this is what I predict. Mike and Phil will bicker for a few episodes and then Mike is going to get the virus and Phil is going to have to watch him die.

The best example of this backfiring is on the show Arrow. When the internet community wanted Felicity and Oliver together so much and it's totally backfired. It shifted the story from the Green Arrow to Olicity every week. It's to the point that season 4 of Arrow's big bad guy is their relationship. It's not all the

I saw a comment on another site that said "This law will prevent Murders and Rapes" and I'm like, hmmmmm….so all the Murderers and Rapist in the world's kryptonite has always been a sign that says "Ladies." Good to know!

Nope. The Originals are still 3 years behind VD

Brawl huh? Looks like an intense bro hug!

Ok, so….I'm not a rocket doctor, but that's rape right? Kyle in his review said "Kink" and I'm like…no…that's rape. Hot, BSDM action, but still super super rapey.