
I'm only about halfway through this episode, but I have to say something. How come i never noticed that butt on Raven? Damn girl!

Very weak excuse indeed. And it's weird that those guys will risk their lives for each other, Bobby, Cast, but not their own brother. it kinda bugs me.

Just a loose end that I wish they would tie up

Love this show and this season, but Bring Back ADAM already! He's been slow cooking in hell for about 6 years now.

Laurel is 100 times better when she wasn't the main love interest. Same as Felicity, 100 times better when she's not the main love interest. Same as Iris on The Flash… The writers have always had trouble writing for the leads paramours

The most telling part to me is that they didn't show a shot of the Grave that someone is buried in.

The Should call it American Pie's: The Spider-man Chronicles

Yep! I had to do the same thing! Then the game was a breeze. lol. I may dust it off and play it sometime soon.

The first time I played this game I kinda skipped passed the Junction System tutorial and was like "This game is really really hard" Made it to the final boss and couldn't beat it. Then a friend told me that I probably should have paid attention. But it made the game like 300 million times easier when i learned the

Haha! Yeah, but I had a Playstation, and none of the other ones were on Playstation. Get off me! I was a child!

First Final Fantasy game I ever played. i had a demo or something and played the crap out of it, and went ahead and bought this and Final Fantasy 7 on the same day, or like days apart or something. Like "How can i understand one game if i didn't play the previous one." not knowing these were stand alone games. Both

Norg was crazy weird. And what always bothered me is he doesn't die. You can visit him anytime and he says he's transforming, or sleeping, or in metamorphosis or some shit. I'm like, wake the fuck up already. Also, the whole thing with Laguna is weird.

Probably the orphanage, lost memory bullshit.

I can see myself smoking a bowl and watching this in the background as I wonder how my entire life lead up to this moment in time and how I'm a disappointment to my parents sure!

Omega Red!

I think more needs to be done with the Pike Character. Just angry and controlling isn't doing it. It's like instead of making us feel why he's the way he is, they took the lazy way out and just told us why he's the way he is. Small but distinct difference and i'm having a really hard time trying to connect. I hope

i know that, but they are fun to debate over.

This got an A? A fucking A? What in the fuck?

"Snot Face!"
-Drop Dead Fred

I actually watched the first God's not Dead. It was part of a religious movie drinking game we used to play. Here are the rules we used