
I've always thought the book could only be told with a tv series. Kinda of how BSG was told. A reimagining of sorts, spread out over numerous seasons. Someone needs to get on it. And I'm not talking about one of those Sci Fi Channel Miniseries. A few full blown 13 episode season.

I like John taking on Trump like this, but for the love of God can we stop saying he "Destroyed" this or that. Unfortunately he hasn't made a dent. I've gotten people to watch his stuff and despite everything they see, and the ability to look things up, they watch and say "Yeah, I dunno if this is actually true" and

So, I actually liked this episode, and then I saw it got a B-. I was like "How could that be? This was a pretty good episode" Then I was made aware that this was the Season Finale/Break and now the disappointment of this episode has washed over me.

Indiana Jones and the Mystery of the Wal-Mart Greeters.

Yes, I'm slow because I asked for people's opinions. This is an open forum to ask question and to discuss, but I'm slow because I wanted know what the people were saying about this show and to see if I should go back and catch up. Yes, there is a lot of info on the internet. I think I came to place where a lot of info

No, you're right, I should pour over countless opinions…or ask a simple question. It's not about being lazy. I asked a simple question and instead of being a decent human you decide to be an asshole. I mean, who the hell hurt you in your life to be such an asshole? I get it, you probably in your mind think you're

Maybe you have to understand my process. I saw the review posted, clicked on it, went straight to comments to see what the peoples were saying, and there were 2 comments. Only 2. So…to say "why would we be here every week?" when well…there wasn't anyone actually here cept for 2 people…soooo that's what prompted the

It's actually pretty easy "Hey, has this show gotten better? "Yeah, the story really picked up" or "No, not worth your time." See how easy that is? I have a feeling you have a hard time pleasing someone though. You seem like a bitch. Must suck to be alone…with your sarcasm.

i want to catch up, but I can't seem to find the motivation to do so. I need something Alluring.

When I commented, there were only 2 comments. Second, fuck all your snark. I was just wondering if this show was worth getting back into. But no. I get sensitive assholes who instead of giving me an answer want to try and comment bully me.

Does anyone still watch this show? I stopped in season 2. Has it gotten better?

I have such a crush on Charlotte Newhouse. Like, maybe more than a crush. It maybe love.

The worst thing a show can do is bring on a Political Candidate. Ugh. Well…i take that back, it worked well for SNL, but only because of Larry David.

If Bernie doesn't win (which is looking less likely) let's all vote Trump and ride that awesome Rollercoaster! I mean, how bad could it really be? I mean, we have a pretty solid congress and SCOTUS right?….right???

Ummm…Elizabeth Berkley is sexy AF

So, I like this season, and the overall concept of this show. But it kinda feels like a large person trying to climb a rope in gym class. I love the effort, I love the journey, but it's a slow slow build and i feel any moment that the kid is going to slide down the rope.

I just assumed that the house was so dark to convey both a Flashback and hide the actors ages.

I swear to god… The worst Clichè ever.

Just finished it. Everyone bail right now. No need to continue. You're just going to be left dissatisfied and feel like you wasted a few hours of your life.

I just finished ep 7 and that's what I surmised. And I think the hints have been laid out all over this season and they are just now clicking into place.