
Soooo.. is it me or is this show like a less funny live action Bojack?

I maybe wrong, but I think it's customary in Chi-town to put Tomatoes on Hot dogs? So i guess they don't want to double up on the fruit? But i'm probably wrong

Hard Pass

Can you help cut a few strokes off my golf game?

Baron Zemo?

Winston is the fucking best. Also, I like this show a 100 times better without Jess. I don't want her to ever come back.

Nothing wrong with Your Highness.

I wish I lived in a world where Titus from The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt was the Titus in The 100. How awesome would he be as Lexa's advisor.

Laurel is large doses is terrible. But her role now is perfect. The main issue with the writers on the both the Flash and Arrow is they can't write major female characters…ever. It's kinda embarrassing. Every time they write a female character into a major plotline they become shrill and annoying and drag the show

So I got through 95% of the episode and I thought "This isn't a bad episode" Then Felicity had to fucking ruin the show. Like seriously, she's the fucking worst. I hope she is killed off. Selfish Twat. Like, I'm considering bailing on this show because of her, that's how much i hate her character and her taking over

Well, I think one of them quit acting. Which is understanding. They are 30 (Omg I'm old) and I get not wanting to act anymore since they've been doing it since they were like an infant. What I wish is Elizabeth Olsen would actually guess star as Michelle. How cool would that be? lol

I thought so to…but then i read this "Additionally, the 2014 television series The Flash also places Central City in Missouri, most explicitly in a letter sent to S.T.A.R. Labs in the episode "The Man in the Yellow Suit.""

So I looked it up, Central City is like St. Louis? Like, it's Central City Missouri What the fuck?

I assumed that Central City was Chicago. Chicago has a waterfront.

Two Predictions. Cisco becomes the new Felicity and everyone ends up hating him. Wally and Wells' kid Ship it up.

I skip OitNB intro. No reason a shows intro needs to be 90 seconds.

Lol. Why? I'm actually the same age as the characters on the show. After finishing all the episodes I've come to realize that, yeah, I'm pretty much nothing like Mickey, other than my ability to self sabotage sometimes. And Me and Gus do have the same humor, which is that my audience seems to be for one, myself, and

I love this show thus far. Pretty sure I have the same pick up lines and humor as Gus, and the same destructive nature as Mickey.

Just counting the days down until they kill off Diggle.

Freak out? Or High Five?