
So, I think Zoom is Jay, and the Jay who was on Earth 1 is Hunter. The Man in the Iron Mask is Eddie. Boom, solved

Thunder Gun is great, but the Episode with the Wine in the Can, where they Salt the Snail is my all time favorite.…

The whole Bellamy thing is terrible. It's like they didn't know where to take the character so they forced a girlfriend on him that NO ONE CARED ABOUT, then fridged her to give him something to do. I kinda wish they would have had the foresight to swap Murphy and Bellamy. I think Bellamy would have been a way better

Megan Fox is a 100% upgrade from Zooey. I love the change up, and I hope she sticks around longer. The character of Jess makes me cringe whenever she speaks.

Also named dropped Henry too.

This goes right along with Barry killing people earlier in the season, and that one episode where the Gang turns a guy into the Villain then capture him until, what was it? Until he could keep his mouth shut? The writers write the same stupid crap about how they can't trust Wells because what happened with RF, even

Actually, if you're watching Legends of Tomorrow, Rip Hunter actually mentions the Dark Knight and the Man of Steel. But they are later in the future.

Am I the only one who hates Cisco? Like, it's gotten so bad that I cringe when he's on screen. He needs to be on the 3rd string, not almost overshadowing the Flash.

I believe Dan McDowell of the Ticket in Dallas should get all the credit for this. He's been calling out Simms for what he is for years.

This is the first Saturday Night Live I've actually watched Live in about 10 years. Larry David and Bernie Sanders are both greatness, and I think that's what elevated this episode to an A-. Even though i think rewatches of this would give it a B-

Fucking Awesome!!!

Somewhere there is an Art Department PA with a priceless guitar. lol


Something that bugged me. Rip slit Vandal's throw…and just left him there? Couldn't captain cold liken freeze him and put him in storage? Or drop him into the ocean? Or kept him frozen and when Hawkgirl was ready they could get the dagger and she could finish him off? I mean, it was like "I'm going to slit your

He doesn't kill them. He just injures them.

I really wish Felicity would adopt the hairstyle Keri Russell had in season one of Felicity. That would make the Felicity show complete.

You know what the really sad thing about the last two Matrix movies is? It takes away from the fact that the Original Movie is probably a top 10 movie in the last 25 years. So sad

No! Lol. I think it was his voice on Dean's phone instead of Siri

So does Jonas live on in Dean's phone?

Is Ice Nation Canada? I hope so. lol.