
I think people stopped comparing it to season 1 a long time ago.

So I finally got to a point where the characters we are given are the characters we are given and i'm ok with it. The only one with any depth is Velcoro, which is fine. I've made my peace with it. What brings everything down is the fucking case. It's boring. Like they keep telling us the stakes are high, that this

Ant-Man, Food Wars, Jamie XX and Go Set A Watchmen round out my Pop Culture week.

Kid Rock is a twat, how is this even news?

Yes to both of those films. Sunshine for the first hour 15 mins is excellent. Good acting, visuals, soundtrack, then Danny Boyle decided "You know what would make this movie epic? LETS ADD A SLASHER FLICK ELEMENT TO IT!" Such a bummer.

Wow, I've never seen a show crash and burn in a matter of three episodes. For me personally it went from an interesting show that resembled a lot of science fiction shows I love, and it turned into a complete and total mess. When the show's focus was on Ethan and his coping with where he was at and trying to solve the

A lot of these I didn't know, and don't really care.

i forgot about that. Thanks

Spitters are Quitters

Then why not fill the town with Volunteers?

Blah, ever since the big reveal of it being the future I've really lost interest in this show. I have a real issue with Kate not believing Ethan. The fact she's been there 12 years and Ethan, his wife and son HAVEN'T AGED, yet it's too far fetched for her to believe they are in the future and people were frozen? C'mon

Tv:Silicon Valley
Music: Houndmouth: Little Neon Limelight
Film: Mad Max: Fury Road

Jurassic Bark, Game of Tones (The one with Fry's Mom) and The Luck of the Fryrish (The one with his Brother) are the only 3 episodes of any show ever to make me really feel the feels. So odd they all come from the same show.

I liked the game for the most part. I was ok with the Batmobile, except the parts where you were required to use it. I also was really bummed out about the lack of Boss Battles, cept for the ones in the Batmobile. Really? DeathStroke and AK in a battle of cars? Fuck that, that was so god damn lame. And the fact that

I actually saw the first one, but only because me and a few buddies decided that every few weeks we will play the "Religious Movie Drinking Game!" It was a lot of fun.

Fuck, I'm embarrassed to be from Texas

The Rock lived there for a while IRL.

NBC, The Peacocksucker Network

So NBC has chosen to cancel Hannibal. Total Bullshit.

Ohhhh!! I gotcha. Sorry.