
That's great and all, but did it destroy the southern way of life and culture? Nope. Attempted Genocide isn't Genocide…just sayin

Here's the sad thing, i want people to absolutely torch you but that wouldn't make us better than the people John Oliver talked about in last night's episode. I do hope you stub your toe though.

That's not what I'm saying at all. Actually, I don't get how you even made that correlation. What I'm saying is this guy gets off by being a thrill seeker/the edge of death is the ultimate type of dude. Explains why he wants to be on a bike, explains why he was going so fast on his personal bike while flying around

So a lot of people keep pointing out that Paul might be gay, where i'm over here like "That dude looks like he's seen some shit and the only thing that's gonna get him hard is seeing more fucked up shit." But this maybe me. Or maybe he has ED from the steroids he was doing when he was a Dillion Panther

I actually really enjoyed this episode. Clearly not a buddy cop show, won't rely on heavy flashbacks to flesh out the characters/plot. (which is a device i liked, but time for something new) This seemed to be an episode that laid the pieces out on the table and said here's who we got, here's who they are, here are

Just like AV Club, i won't be watching this show again either. I thought it would pull out of its nosedive of a 2nd season but good lord this show is so bad it is unwatchable.

Touching Tribute to my favorite character. #teamramsay

I know, but how did they travel back and forth?

Great episode. Very Doctor Who series 3 (New series) Utopia/The Sound of Drums.

I believe i included the proper photo

Went last year for Elton John, Jack White and Kanye. It was amazing time. Kanye was boo'd because he was a tool and half the people walked out on him.

I had the same hang up, but it turns out they are all speaking their native tongue, we just hear it in english. In one episode a chick is like "You were dancing and singing in english!" even though she said it in english. It's weird. lol

I'm 5 episodes in, the acting and writing is pretty damn horrible, and it's taking a long time for the Characters to "get it" but for some reason I enjoy it thus far. I did have this weird hang up, like it was making my brain hurt and it was the fact that everyone speaks english even though it takes place in Korea,

This show feels like Eerie Indiana to me.

Yes, Yahoo! Screen is garbage.

This might be the worst thing I've ever seen.

They mentioned her in like episode 1 or 2.

I really liked this episode, and the entire season. So, Elroy>Shirley, Frankie>Pierce (I'm going by the assigned seats)

I'm going to go fondle some sweaters