
I am wondering about the Arrow effect too. I mean, does this mean that Slade Wilson is still full of mirakuru and owes Starling?

See, that's my issue with RF revealing himself to being from the future. For someone so cautions about not knowing his future why would he reveal the future to people who could fuck it up?

Yeah, a blackhole opened to erase everything

Exactly. And I have all these gripes, but a giant wormhole opened up and destroyed everything. But then, fuck, what about Arrow? Does everything that happens in Arrow now change? Does Ray Palmer still have the microtech he got from that Bee Bitch? If Barry doesn't exist then Felicity doesn't know who Catlin or Cisco

Good Episode, I have a gripe though, but I'll get to that. A few things I noticed: When Barry is running you see a few images. The two I noticed was Barry in prison, and Killer Frost. Interesting future.

Maybe that's what caused the blackhole. That universe was being erased.

Who was Silver Balls?

I didn't get it when Major stabbed him with the keys why that even phased him

Extra Thick Straps!

A Pinch of Snart and Peek-A-Boo

"I gotta a special treat for you this evening. A young man that you all know as Joe the Policeman from the What's Goin Down episode of "That's My Momma." I want you to put your hands together and welcome him to the stage, big round of applause for Jackson Heights own Mr. Randy Watson! YES!! RANDY WATSON!"

4 of my favorite boobs sharing the same screen? I'm in!

It really isn't. Being cheated on and being out of the loop are totally different.

First, No, I hate Iris. She's a terribly written Character. She is just kinda there to fill the love interest role, but for the life of me I can't figure out why Barry loves her. Maybe if the writers would show the audience what Barry sees in her then I would be get it, but I don't and dislike her so much I want her

Not even remotely the same thing.

Maybe because it's not how I would react to it. I wouldn't get pissy over that type of lie. In my head I would suddenly put pieces together, feel foolish for being the last one to know but anger would be the last emotion I would feel. But that's me, I'm a rational human being.

I don't think their reasons are bullshit because she says they're reasons are bullshit. i think their reasons for lying to her are very good reasons. You protect the people you love, anyway possible. And keeping her from the truth HAS protected her. Look what happened to Eddie just weeks after he found out. What is

I seem to be the minority, but I was ok with her never knowing, actually I'm ok with getting rid of her character all together or giving her less screentime. She's a generic love interest for a very ungeneric lead character. This show and their writing of Women character is the absolute worst. Like, what happened to

And the "Omg, I am so pissed you lied to me" is a realistic reaction? Something that's been overused from shows like Smallville to Chuck to Arrow and now this. It's a tv show clichè and people in real life have a range of emotions other than selfish rage like Iris has. It's like she's so blinded by the fact she was

I wouldn't be pissed at all. It's not my secret to have. Am I the only one that thinks that? If my best friend lied to me over something that huge then I would be understanding and wouldn't make it all about me. I would have questions, yes, but I wouldn't overreact like she has. And the fact that everyone in her life