
Actually I think most people would be like "NO WAY! YOU'RE THE FLASH! THAT'S AMAZING! HOW DO YOU MOVE SO FAST?!." Instead her first reaction is all about her. "You lied to ME" "How could you lie to MY face." Signs of a self involved person. I think any reasonable person would be more in awe of their close friend

Ugh, Iris is terrible. The only thing she has going for her is she's attractive, other than that I don't see why Barry would ever be into her cept to bone her.

This show is so anti-gay. Every gay relationship has ended up in death.

You know what this show needs? More Felicity Crytalking. I mean, i know she crytalks 90% of the time, but we can bump it up to at least 100% right? Keep it One Hundo on the crytalking.

Netflix, you chose…poorly

So, this gets my vote for biggest waste of time today, and there's still 23 more hours left in the day.

I always thought Don's future dream was to be on the Apprentice?

Warner Bros released the trailer early thus making the score Internet 1,002,003,029 and Movie/Music Studios 0.

Mine is Parappa The Rapper. Can't get passed that damn chicken.

Soo….Did they just take everyone Actor who has been in a phone commercial and give them a show….IN SPACE? Nice.

Bummed that Muse didn't make it for M, and Portugal. The Man is a much better band than Phoenix.

Agreed. Continuum lost something in the 3rd season after a pretty strong first 2. But The 100 is the best SF show on tv. It's kinda incredible what that show has become. But 12 Monkeys is wonderful as well. Much better than I expected. I find it infinitely better than the film.

Mark: "Homer, use the for..
Homer: "The Force?"
Mark: "No, the forks, use the forks!"

What's kinda understated is Christopher Evan Welch, The bro who Played Peter Gregory kinda well…died. I wonder if he will get a tribute, or just kinda gloss over it like they did last season.

So….where's the funny?

I worked on a few films and my name was passed along to him and his crew, but timing didn't work out since I started working on another tv show that was filming in the Dallas area at the same time. I had a few friends work on it and they said it was an enjoyable experience.

Seen it, I've met Shane Carruth once in Dallas, and I almost worked on Upstream Color. This isn't blowing my mind, I am more worried about the shows integrity.

Omg, is Flash Zelda? Maybe Wells is Link!!

So, who is going to keep track of The Flash Timelines! Are we in Timeline B now? Or is it C since Wells already time traveled? We will say C since there was a timeline, then Wells disputed it, then Barry has disrupted it? SOMEONE KEEP TRACK! Timeline C.

Finally Illinois is doing something right