I don’t identify with this so it makes me angry.
I don’t identify with this so it makes me angry.
I saw this because there was nothing else on. It wasn’t bad. Plus, the villain in it is smoking hot.
Simple Jack thinks differently.
A mistake one doesn’t make twice, let me tell you...
;) Well, speaking of old phones, I loved/still love and miss the Moto Razr. Wouldn’t mind seeing that rereleased and modernized. I also always wanted the phone from the second Matrix movie. I think one could still a prop/promotional one on ebay, but for crazy money. I’d like a working one of them too.
Don’t mind him. He has penis envy.
That... looks... :S
Funny how women in this universe have access to almost the same kind of pants women wear in ours. Might as well have made them jeans. Or yoga pants. I mean, it’s cool. I really wish I could wear boots like that. Damn women and their awesome piratey boot options... with all the cool straps and buckles and shit...
You’re an Aussie, aren’t you? You’re not normal.
Exactly. The closer to home the tradgedy, the more devastating. As a Canadian living in Canada, where we’ve only had that Ottawa memorial shooting and that guy out east shooting up a neighbourhood, both of which is homegrown terrorism and smaller scale, we’ve experienced nothing like 9.11, or 7.7, Charlie Hebdo, or…
CNN and its ilk probably cover more of the western stuff and Al Jazeera probably covers more of the eastern stuff.
I think he just wanted everyone to know his very small affiliation with this story by informing us he’s banging a Turkey.
“I’m not laughing because I think this is funny and I’m having a good time, I’m laughing because I’ve just had the first good idea in my pretty, dumb life. I’m gonna sue my pants off - - I mean, your pants off!”
The cheekiness of this lawsuit...
Chewie looks like Han took to PetSmart for a shampoo.
Am I wrong, or does this angle make no sense.
I did assume this was for getting off purposes... I suppose there could be more to it than that. It’s awful regardless. Incidentally, I work at a movie theatre as a floor member (rip tix, clean theatres and washrooms). As a dude, I obviously will get assigned to clean the men’s rooms regularly throughout the night. As…
Oh, I’m definitely going to hang them on my wall. Y’know, as a conversation piece for when I throw dinner parties in my tiny bachelor apartment! :D Seriously. I’m literally going to hang them on the wall.
Or is it the I present that’s amazing...??? ;) We both obviously can’t wait to see what’s next!