Forget RPGs, action games or even a broken if decent adventure series. The perfect Game of Thrones video game is a…
Forget RPGs, action games or even a broken if decent adventure series. The perfect Game of Thrones video game is a…
You're pretty good!
Hahah you talk about those "I earned my gun by getting it from random chest reward! You others just bought it with coins you didn't earn!"? :p
For those with jimmies:
Here we go again. For the ninth year in a row (since 2006!), I’ve counted up how many video games I either started…
My dream dystopian game would be one set in Beksinski inspired world:
Still think this was one of the coolest loading screens ever. Not only did it function as a little mini-game, but it also allowed the user to win little useful (??) Demon Nails (??). Sorry It's been over 5 years since I played Okami.
Breaking Bad is one of the greatest TV shows ever made, and its collector's edition Blu-ray barrel is one of my…
Damien Hypolite, who by day works for Sciences et Avenir, is also a bit of an Assassin's Creed fan. Seeing as the…
Anyone who knocks this trailer and didn't crack a single smile, tear, and/or laugh of insane enthusiasm can burn in hell, because you simply have no soul. I have not been this excited for a movie in years. Holy. Mother. Of. God.
Yes well...
I've finally given up on Destiny. And feel like a better man for having kicked the habit. But boy, if there's one…
I thought I wouldn't use first person too much, but I find myself switching back/forth really regularly. Anyone else jumping between views very often?
Yeah and the animations will all be legit as it's based on third person stuff.
I hate invisible bodies. Playing as an eyeball with an arm sticking out of it is weird :P
I can easily say that seeing Godzilla as a youngster changed my life in a very positive way, and without it , I would have likely been in an entirely different situation in life. Happy (belated) birthday, Godzilla. Skreeonk!
China rather than Japan, but I'll leave this here anyway:
This reminds me that I need to track down another copy of Ape Escape 3 at some point. Talk about a series deserving of the HD Anthology treatment.
MGS3 is my favourite to date. But 1 is second. (10th anniversary is coming this Nov for MGS3)
Is it wrong that the one thing going through my mind while watching that video was "Oh my, this soundtrack is so incredibly beautiful". It really is.
That's a fucking T-1000 if I ever saw one.