Howdy, partner!
Add you later. Should try for a raid next weekend.
Always upvote a man from Ireland.
Get a nyko or dongcoh data bank for about 150 with a 2tb SSD. Super easy once you know what to do. There’s some great tutorials on YT. Make sure you back up to an exFAT hard drive!
Great list Luke. Came for Okami and MGS3 and wasn’t disappointed. You have good taste sir!
PRETTY good.
I’ve got it double trouble. I’m a Mads/Hannibal and Kojima megafan. The hype is, of course, real.
Mr. Smake... try to remamber the brasics of BQB.
Holy shit. Please God Kojima, please be working with Senpai Mikkelsen!
Au contraire, Kirk. I thought the Ant Man theme was a total ear worm and Thor has that epic, sweeping fantasy score lifted right out of the Norse epics. Marvel music is a hell of alot better than you give it credit for.
Morality Pet replacement of R2 for Vader? Color looks nearly identical and when I looked at the buttons on his chassis it reminded me of Vader’s breathing apparatus.
“Thanks bridesmaid! Like the beard! Gives me something to HANG onto!
I’ve got a plan so cunning you could put a tail on it and call it a weasel.
“I’ve got a plan... and IT’S AS HOT! AS MY PANTS! So long suckers, next time you get bored with your lives give me a call, and I’ll come round and KILL YOU! HOORAY!”
Oh man, you will only know how lucky you are to have never played it when you are still finding new things in the vanilla game after 700 hours.
Oh man, doing Malok and the randos don’t kill the blights....
Yep, my thoughts exactly. Too bad he probably won’t get used to play him in a movie now :(