Sure. Go look at Chicago where guns are banned. They’re setting records all the time now for daily murders. The problem isn’t guns being legal or illegal.
Sure. Go look at Chicago where guns are banned. They’re setting records all the time now for daily murders. The problem isn’t guns being legal or illegal.
Free Kekistan
Everything about this is a meme
+1 for Mighty Boosh video at the end. XD
those kind? just humble meme farmers with no racist point of view are somehow hateful to you? you bigoted racist!! Kekistani are nice people
But... my space magic...
Obligatory “Shut up and take my money.”
“Let’s make Destiny, but everyone is Iron Man.”
Birdy num-nums?
Neary anything with Peter Sellers. A genious comedic actor.
“The Party” actually was a brilliant movie, though. Have you ever seen Robert Altman’s “The Player”? There’s a party scene that basically mimics the premise and the plot movement of “The Party.”
Yes! As quotable as any movie ever and the music is perfect. One of my favorite exchanges:
The Party, with Peter Sellers.