
Maybe is because he asked nicely?

It is a long-standing social construct for women that confronting men who do these kinds of things is so much of an unknown that women instinctively try to just get the event over with, unacknowledged, and move the hell on. This is why Margaret Atwood’s observation, “Men are afraid women will laugh at them; women are

I’m disappointed in the coddling responses. Guys like this should be shamed and ridiculed.

He doesn’t mean well. He’s a troll. He’s baiting women with “duurrrr I’m just a stupid guy who wants to leeeeearrrrrrrn herrderrr”comments and when they respond angrily, he responds with shit like, “I’m just here to learn, thanks for scolding me tho.”

“But if someone has their hand on me in an inappropriate manner, I’m not going to stand still to take a photo.”

You don’t know that. You may think you know how you would react, but until it happens, you don’t. And even if it has happened before, you don’t know what will happen the next time.

I understand this has been answered but I’m gonna throw in my two cents cause fuck it.

The best part is that it doesn’t matter what reaction you have, it’s always the “wrong” one. If she freaked out and hit him, someone would be asking, “why didn’t she just play it off cool and report him later?”

Look at all the women you’ve successfully gotten to relive their trauma because YOU’RE LITERALLY TOO FUCKING LAZY TO DO AN INTERNET SEARCH OR CHECK OUT A FUCKING BOOK FROM THE LIBRARY. FUCK your lazy, pathetic ignorance and for making countless women read your obtuse, bottom of the barrel questions and relive their

Mueller is gross and I hope the jury sees this for what it is - a cash grab.

Buzzfeed’s headlines have all been like “lulz he touched her butt” and it’s gross. I get that this is something people want to know about, so I understand the coverage. But, just because he grabbed her butt rather than some other body part doesn’t make assault funny.

He is seeking at least $3 million.

RIGHT? Hand position aside, who looked at that photo and told him, “Yeah, you look totally innocent here. SUE HER!”? Because bruh, you need better friends. He looks like a stage 5 creep.

Yup. Absolutely. Every single woman on this earth knows that fucking pull away.

She is seeking a symbolic $1, saying she wants to serve as an example to other women who have been assaulted.

That’s pretty classy, actually.

Look at that fucking leer. Please.

Ugh, that body language is making me rage out on her behalf. Fuck this guy. What a pig.

I don’t understand how he’s even trying to sue for anything. Look at the picture. Best case scenario: his hand is over her dress, on her ass. Worst case scenario: his fingers are slipped under her dress, on her bare ass.

Is anyone else super uncomfortable with the way the Taylor Swift case is being covered? This one wasn’t so bad, but the “omg look at the line to view the trial/this court sketch/etc” seems so gross when we’re talking about an assault case.