I would LOVE more photos of this developing look, they all sound wonderful, in very different ways.
I would LOVE more photos of this developing look, they all sound wonderful, in very different ways.
“Enough differences to make it interesting” is always what kills me. I love learning from someone with those differences and I’d be bored otherwise, but the differences are always what kills the relationship and screws me up in the end.
Being from the country where this chain resides, I can tell you that an area big enough to have a B&Q store almost certainly will have a Ann Summer's, where you can get rope etc., if not other independent sex shops as well.
I really honestly thought the Lindsay Lohan picture was of Karen Gillian. Good day for Lindsay!
She reminds me of Holly Golightly in Breakfast at Tiffany's but less charming. Lots of drama, not much substance. She is the tragic character whose life you hope will improve, because you have seen the tiny little bits of beauty and joy and potential, but even when she looks like she is heading in the right direction…
Indeed. Being only the county over, I would be somewhat suspicious of someone who didn't have banter with me.
Banter is not the same as bullying someone. You only have banter with someone you like.
I'm sorry, but this is just dumb as a response.
OH. Oops.
I understand what you are saying, completely. I am only 19, and until 3 years ago, I had never met a trans person. Therefore, when I got to know him, at first, I didn't use all of the correct terminology, and I made minor mistakes. This was my fault, and I am sorry and had guilt about it. He was lovely about it, and…
Yeah this was beautiful. Skating always astounds me. I fall over like bambi whenever I skate.This is why I love watching Ice Princess. Off to Netflix to watch it.
My ancestor is Oliver Cromwell, and although my Northern Irish friends have joked that I have evil in my blood and they can no longer speak to me, they certainly do not expect me to apologise for the debated slaughters that happened in their country years ago.
As a Brit who works with mostly young people who have records for low level crime like this, I have to agree. Their situations are crap. They are absolutely awful and it is not fair at all that they are largely stuck in a culture where they are dehumanised.
CONGRATS on being mainpaged!!!
Yes! My two favourite Disney movies are (and always have been, duh) Lilo and Stitch and the Lion King, just because of their portrayal of families and the idea that family can look different for everyone, even if that means having family members from a different species.