
Smile spoilers:

This is a film about psychic wounds made physical”

These two are first-class assclowns.

SPOILER- I guess for GOT

“I thought of writing some black characters into a fantasy novel. I didn’t do it, of course, but the thought did cross my mind. Remarkable stuff.” 

Fun fact: according to Linkedin, Schimkowitz has a bachelors in English from Rutgers and was in the Honors English program.

cast-member —> cast member

Chloe Feinbaum

Fans of horror movies (which are by definition scary, usually brutalize their protagonist, and have no guarantee of a happy ending) are thrill-seekers who are less likely to be put off by the risks of going to a movie theater (catching an infectious disease, paying too much for snacks, etc.).

If this has nothing to do with Armie Hammer, why’d he call his main character “Arm E. Hamer”?

It seems to me, as someone who has not seen this movie and only has this article and a write-up in the New York Times to go by, that this is a ridiculous overreaction to a film that is trying to be artsy or whatever in its unconventional choices. This is not a standard biopic. It sounds like a terrible movie, but

Devil’s Backbone is one of the great Horror movies of our time. We could squabble about whether Pan’s Labrynth is Horror, but the Horror scenes in it are downright terrifying. Every movie he has ever directed has at least some Horror elements. He also produced the all-time unsettling El Orphanato. The man has Horror

Trevor Noah had alt-right personalities like Tomi Lahren on early in his tenure, and I remember him just getting rolled by her in particular. After a while they just stopped booking right-leaning guests. Jon Stewart routinely booked conservative guests, but they were always more tied to the establishment, and he was

He just had like 3 this past year, and had that useless waste of space Tomi Lahren as well, multiple times.
I do understand the difference, and I commend Noah for the great work he did accomplish.
But John Stewart would’ve told that little piece of crap straight up:
“Why do you think racism is necessary for your party?”

Now playing

Since you mentioned it here is a trailer for Jurassic Galaxy. Enjoy.

That’s ridiculous!

When asked for comment, Trevorrow said, “Ye$, we probably $hould have $topped at the fir$t movie. I feel that Jura$$ic Park, the one relea$ed back in the fir$t half of the ninetie$, was inherently unfranchi$eable.”

The Lost World is just so insane and incoherent from beginning to end that I can’t help but love it: Hammond managing to lure the guy who was almost killed on a dinosaur-infested island onto a new dinosaur-infested island, a teenager defeating a raptor with gymnastics, bringing a T-Rex to San Diego for reasons that

Ah, the Dowd B+, or, as he refers to it, a C-.

then i’m damaged.  i can live with that, no problem.

Give the man a break. He needs to get cracking if he’s to finish his quota of articles about “Don’t Worry, Darling” before midnight.