
Look, if taking things out of context and yelling vapidly to show how much more virtuous I am than someone else is wrong, I don’t want to be right!

Oh cool, thanks for giving me an excuse to post this again

I’m personally not a fan of her work, but it sure looks like she *won* in the arenas of money, career advancement, the showcase, the issues, the clout of curating other comics, AND the attitude - so it’s a great example for everyone, and isn’t hypocritical in any way, shape or form.

She said “the showcase of genderqueer voices… made my decision to do a third special with them a little easier” meaning it furthers her cause to do the special. Do you think she should do it for free? You want to talk about hypocrisy, how about Chapelle punching down on marginalized people?

And you’re not anyone in particular’s fanboy yourself, I’m guessing. Just a good old free thinker.

When can I preorder the leather bound print edition of The AV Club Reports on Don’t Worry Darling Volume One?

Albania is a long-way from the UK and they tried to give her a more formal British accent during some of the films.

Snape would have been an unbearable character with almost any other actor in the role 

As a former marketing bastard, this things reeks of a massive PR campaign - no, not to promote this particular, this film is merely a part of it. It sounds like the campaign is to rebrand Wilde as not just some nerdbait/TV actor as a genuine “auteur”, a director, dramaturgist, and thespian.

Good Lord, why would Wilde push it this hard? She is seriously worried about her future directing prospects.

Tomorrow on the AV Club: 20 of this statement’s signatories come forth with a joint statement saying they didn’t actually sign this statement, and that they were not in a position to say whether there were any shouting matches on the set. Also, Harry Styles denies that he ever spat on Shia LaBeouf.

“Olivia is either a mad genius who figured out a way to make people more aware of the movie in a way that just drives up the box office,” says one source, “or she doesn’t have any self-awareness that she is fucking up her movie.”

While I realize it’s a pull quote, it’s really something to apologize for “wasting your own life” after you murdered someone (let alone your fucking mom). 

I am not well versed in the lotr lore, can you tell me in what big way is the show departing from the books?

Sounded like there was a settlement out of court right? Which, good for the family for getting recompense. Sounds like part of the settlement was to issue that statement, which is such a strange statement. 

I’m so confused about the skit. Like maybe it’s one of those “it wasn’t funny on paper but it was in the execution” things, but it sounds like it was literally just adults leering at half-naked children. Isn’t that just... less comedy and more literal child porn? (Child porn-adjacent, anyway.) 2013 wasn’t THAT long

That statement from the Does reads like the kind of thing someone would say in a video where they were holding up a copy of that day’s newspaper while surrounded by armed men in balaclavas with AK-47s.  

Honestly, the amount they’re fucking paying you to write all this fluff around what you, the AV Club, gave a C- to in the review almost makes me want to turn off my adblocker so you could earn some honest revenue that didn’t affect your output.

Ok everybody...let’s make this a nice clean discussion!
Team “They deserve to get paid for what they do” over that side...
And Team “World’s smallest violin” over there.
Now when I blow this whistle I wanna see you come out commenting, no low blows about grooming, abelism, incels or ‘no, YOU are!’