
Did he fill the void by sniffing his own farts?

Thai Cave Rescue is an awfully straightforward title. I have no interest in this story, so instead I’m going to tell you about a pair of oddly-named dishes at a local Thai restaraunt (Pattaya Bay, on Vermont just north of Hollywood Blvd.) named “Coconut Paradise” and “Chicken Hell.” The food at Pattaya Bay is hit or

Look, I wish recognitions would get eaten alive by a pack of rabid badgers as much as the next guy, but even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

Wasn’t she 7 and looked inside her sister’s vagina?  I’m a recovering victim of child molestation myself, I don’t see how this equates to the old man that cornered me a few times when I was a kid.  No matter how much right wing media wants to equate it

So we’re making fun of people’s physical appearances now? Cool.

Have you ever fucking been to a wedding? Most of them are tedious as fuck. Many could do with a few massacres to liven things up.

As I recall, many people said “boo”, particularly about the film’s depiction of the Persians.

Many said it was racist, problematic, inaccurate, insulting, fascist, ableist to name a few “boos”. And also there was a call for boycott.

Gonna need a citation thats not Fox News on that claim bud.

Relax, dork. There are also some spelling errors. It wasn’t properly edited.

What a stupid fucking article.

Now, it’s obviously fair that the security around Zendaya’s table was on high alert—these days every major awards junket is just waiting (and wishing) for the ratings of another Slap. But this is the woman who brought forth Zendaya—Zendaya! Zendaya, the first Black woman ever to win an Emmy for best actress twice!

I’m not sure the author knew she was white, to be honest

I hate that I clicked this clickbait.

Alternate headline: “Emmys Security Guard Does Job, Briefly Delays Hug”

Uh, Zendaya’s mom is white. Here she is with both her parents.

Details in this story that let you know Zendaya’s mom is white:

Zendaya made history as the first Black Woman ever to win an Emmy for best actress twice, and then get throttled by a nutter because security was too afraid of internet backlash to get involved!

Why is this a story? How was he supposed to know she was her mother? I did a short stint working security for events like this a long time ago and it’s not like they provide the guards with a list of names + photos of people associated with whatever celebrities are there. The goal is to keep the wrong people out and

Security did what they were paid to do? What a scoop! I hope you guys can get this in for the evening edition.